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Everything posted by CRA

  1. If I was a betting person I would say Voth is referencing at least Charles Johnson. I think the farther away from his position you go the less vocal people would be. For example I would doubt Olsen would say anything. That is my guess.
  2. We let one walk before who was squeaky clean before.... We definately can do it with one we can't trust given that fact.
  3. Name the guys who went to JR to lobby then.... Ron Rivera champions every player. He publically backs everyone.
  4. I'm not a lawyer but I did stay in a Holiday Inn Express once back in 2010. I definately don't see a legit case. To date, NFL sat back and let the legal process play out and paid Hardy his millions. NFL has done nothing to Hardy. Zilch. Only person Hardy would have a case against is the chick.....and he just paid her off. So that is out the window
  5. Roger suspending Hardy for 2 games wouldn't be him deciding Hardy was guilty.... Just like if your boss suspended you if you found yourself legally embarrassing your company bc you put yourself in a bad situation. And yes, Hardy hanging out with coke snorting fools.....is a mistake Hardy made and one that impacted many
  6. How would Roger suspending him from football games be overstepping the U.S. Justice system?
  7. Players being asked certain questions by media are going to generate certain answers (by the vast majority of all players)...that doesn't make it the truth. Same thing is also seen when you ask a coach about a player clearly sucking and they say positve things. Saying what you are suppose to say.....simply keeps peace and quiet to a large extent. Most of the NFL players and staff know and practice such. I can find numerous posts of guys 100% supoorting Clausen.....bc that is what they are suppose to say. Can't come out against players bc they might be there. Players know that. So they most show support regardless of question. They are taught that.
  8. NFLPA....yeah, you ever hear them mention Hardy during all this? Maybe they would step in if he got 6 games bc if he did that would mean all DV cases would be getting the same punishment which wouldn't be fair. Bc that is the max. Hardy gets 2 games? NFLPA ain't gonna say diddly poo
  9. That is the point. You don't invest hugely in guys who "hopefully" learned a lesson. Don't forget BEFORE the incident it was questioned as to whether or not he was the type person you wanted to gamble on with big money bc it appeared his decision making wasn't what you would want in a huge dollar guy
  10. Hardy even made an ass of himself in court. I imagine that didn't award him any bonus points either....
  11. People are disciplined all the time by employers despite not being found guilty of crimes. People constantly repeat that the NFL has no grounds/right to punish its employees if they legally aren't guilty....they do. Just like your employer has the same ability
  12. A paid vacation isn't punishment The Panthers NOT Hardy got punished. People blur that fact. The Panthers suffered as a result of this
  13. No such thing as a cap friendly one year deal for Hardy here
  14. Direct me to where I can find the support.... from this group of players all of whom have questionable futures here.
  15. heard from who? HeHateMe just nexteled me that this is one semi leader being exagrerated into something it isn't. Good offseason topic for Voth though....getting fans to think Hardy may check off the list he created( the one Voth knows Hardy has 0 chance of completing)
  16. What has Hardy said that makes you believe he has changed his tune?
  17. Most just say he is too risky of an investment.... and if Cam and Luke ain't begging for it.....does it really matter?
  18. 0.000000673% chance All this bet min talk and playing for cheap is fantasy talk. Jerry Richardson could run across the field at halftime butt naked too I guess....
  19. Game, set, match. But Lord Zod likely will drag this out to make the others feel good. An attractive female with mad sports knowledge....nobody has a shot a beating that.
  20. Yep. I'd be all about bringing him back to be what he was initially brought in to be. He only became a WR we relied on bc we were so weak at the position (in terms of speed)
  21. What right does an employer have to punish someone that isn't found guilty in court? They have plenty of right? And also Goodell attempted to let thing go the way they always had.....the public has changed and wouldn't allow it.
  22. What is bs about it? That off field risks are viewed different than a on field/in house problem child?
  23. No, I think in the NFL.....off field issues are looked at different than guys who struggle with emotions in a football context. Talent makes one of those easier to deal with. Every NFL team had multiple fights this past season.....will always be part of football. The off field stuff is different. And yeah, two dudes fighting DOES get viewed different than hitting a chick. That isn't a debate
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