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Everything posted by CRA

  1. Bortles went right back at Norman once he saw how horrible he looked on that corner ball to the end zone.
  2. Luke knocked himself out. Could be worse....initially thought he had a leg issue.
  3. Cam just didn't see him. OL kinda hid the defender. Still on Cam though
  4. Norman with a huge play.... Immediately has to to be restrained by teammates to avoid who knows what.... that's Norman
  5. Not only did Ginn drop not result in a TD....it was a momentum swing
  6. I think we win this week. I have already said that. not sure why I have to say we are gonna smash them....nothing suggests that at the moment
  7. We need to be 4-0 after going into the bye week IMO to have good odds at being .500 at the half way mark. 3-1 at worst. Needing that good of a start is worrisome
  8. first 8 weeks and after a bye week.....Ron has shown he is at his worst over the past 4 years. Late in the year under fire? You could have to walk through hell and you would want Ron with you....b/c he is ready to roll. that is my take on Ron Rivera as a HC here. I'll buy into something different when he does something different
  9. 3-10-1....then we piled on at the end. we got some help those first two games....playing one of the worst teams in the NFL in Tampa and Detriot being there own worst enemy. Wouldn't say Ron had this team rolling....
  10. and he gets those wins in huge chunks late every season
  11. eh... i mean if your girlfriend cheats on you twice wouldn't you likely expect it to happen again? If your dog pees on your favorite rug every time you him near it....what do you think will happen next time he gets in that room. Ron Rivera has been here for 4 years....all 4 he has shown he is simply better late in the year than early. I don't think it is living in the past acknowledging a pattern and not willing to trust him early to have it all together
  12. EJ Manuel has beaten Ron Rivera.... Anyone here that trusts Rivera's team EARLY needs to revisit the past.
  13. yep. Our D is dependent on DL play...that is just our style. No Star and a questionably conditioned CJ on a snap count? I'd say expecting our D to come out of the gates rolling isn't such a sure thing. on offense, our first string wasn't able to run in a traditional matter all preseason....but now we can be expected to run over someone?
  14. It was still bullpoo they called back that Stewart run where he did a cartwheel. It was raining so hard there was simply no visual evidence to overturn that one....even if it would have been physical impossible for his elbow not to hit
  15. So... just got here. Was informed good ole Ron was smart enough to bench key starters like Roman Harper to avoid them getting hurt.....yet plays Norman. Nice logic.
  16. some argue it is trading a set of marginal/backup quality guys for guys that really should be practice squad/not on a roster....
  17. we aren't getting help. you would have to go buy yourself help. Dave won't do that. You won't get help for what he is willing to do... the fact he wouldn't even kick tires in a simple workout on Wayne speaks volumes. I personally think Wayne is done and a workout would have proved that....but you gotta kick those tires. Belchick is kicking them. His team goes 10+ wins every year for a reason. He also doesn't get emotionally attached to dudes and kicks them to the curb.
  18. we didn't lose our top 2 WRs... people somehow think b/c we drafted a 2nd round WR it makes him a legit 2015 starting target...and out of the gate at that. 2014 was not a realistic expectation even from a first rounder....it was just one of those rare things.
  19. skill positions specifically but Williams hasn't played a down of real football. Can't throw him and mark the checkbox on him. There is no one that can be checked off yet
  20. people play that game every year.... there are 32 teams each carrying 60 plus players right now....there are tons of players that could be had AT A COST better than the likes of Bersin. All depends on if you are willing to pay. I say it is worth overpaying for someone and taking on more than you would like in that particular player......b/c big picture it is about Cam and things are setting up for him to get hurt. No WRs plus a stacked box = no traditional offense which means Cam will be forced to be the video game guy to generate anything
  21. you could note that as of today, Gettlemen hasn't shown what his ability is to draft offensive talent outside of hitting on what the first round has to offer.... bc he hasn't really brought any in that we know works... something to watch going forward...
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