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Everything posted by CRA

  1. at 8? I would rage. Later on? I wouldn't like it but could swallow that pill.
  2. nah. Painful to say but I'd rather role w/ Teddy than dump anymore money into random vet QBs. Is he better than Teddy? Sure. But he is just a slightly better band-aid. Just wasted money and cap space IMO.
  3. Oh, please no. Not a fan at all. Way too inconsistent in college. I'd rather get the FL kid or Bama kid and I don't want them either.
  4. Well, I was addressing the mindset of making all kids repeat their grade this year. Which would be a blanket action that does more harm than good. I got no problem with homeschooling. Private schooling. Whatever. People should have choices in all avenues of life. I'm sure the trend of home schooling, private, etc will continue to grow. But I want to live in a nice world. Which means the public education system and the investment in it remains vital. And I only want tax dollars going to public education. All schools are different. But I will say, my children's elementary school teachers this year have done a fantastic job given the hand that was dealt. And yeah, it has been a nightmare for them, us and our children. Two separate statements. Teachers have no control over the pandemic wrecking our normal way of life.
  5. But Rams are sitting on a roster that arguably features the best front 7 defender and best back end defender in all the NFL. I’d choose KC’s overall approach to. But you got to try to win now with Donald and Ramsey.
  6. I definitely think the missing person is an Avenger. I’m thinking more along the lines of Ant man. Paul Rudd would also knock it out of the park playing a cheesy sitcom character. Especially paired up as the hubby with the Agnes actress. Agnes keeping him away though since she isn’t a normal character in Wanda’s show. She knows Wanda has issues keeping her little world together. But he basically has a Geraldine/Monica scene and breaking character moment. He plays a role in Wanda being done with it all. Antman already has the obvious tie with the FBI agent keeping tabs on him and the more importantly the quantum realm. I think Wanda goes a little Anakin Skywalker when she comes out of the fantasy. Goes super crazy with her powers and taps into/creates the multiverse plots. Think they also have said it helps up set up the Spiderverse as well as the Dr Strange stuff. that’s my guess until probably next week where I change it all. Dr Strange obviously works as you said too. But I’m leaning Antman.
  7. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMJonmNWJ/
  8. my most likely wrong guess off of last night’s episode Jimmy’s missing person entered into Wanda’s world like Monica did. That person is now playing the role of Ralph, Agnes’ hubby we never see. We never see him because like Monica he would break character. But we will. Another Avenger. They help force Wanda out of this charade.
  9. Probably could trade up to 6 and get one of the 4.
  10. If he isn’t drafted by around 22nd pick he will make it to the 2nd IMO.
  11. that works for the Rams... but if you are the Lions why would you want Goff instead of picks?
  12. well, I think to be a great NFL coach....public speaking actually is fairly important. I wouldn’t consider it irrelevant. Considering your tasked with leading, motivating and directing an audience of highly paid super humans.
  13. I’ll give you the cheats so you don’t have to listen. Williamson is former NFL scout. Watson to NYJ (2 1s, 2 2s and DT Williams) Stafford to SF Cam/Love to WFT (Packers move Love to appease Rodgers) Trevor/Wilson/Fields/Lance all gone before Carolina picks. Senior bowl playing a big factor and Carolina getting Mac Jones in the 2nd. Thinks Brady will see a lot of Burrow in him.
  14. and for the record, I would probably sound like that too up at the podium. Because for me...it would because I would be bullshitting and unqualified.
  15. no clue. Last I heard was he didn’t communicate a detailed plan well enough. but from listening to this dude, the Lions coach....teams don’t seem to care about that lol
  16. But Eric from KC interviews poorly...
  17. yeah, I love Cam too. wish he would just retire honestly. Painful watching his end here. Sad watching him in NE. I don’t want to remember him going out even more broken. I always thought he would have a short career. Cam can have a great career away from the game. Whether that involves football or not. Hell, put him on TV. He would be great entertainment. Better than a lot of former players they got out there.
  18. People don’t like getting fired and moved on from. Many deal with it badly. Almost all ill will that I have heard usually ties into that. Every team has some of that. when guys come in and join...we have a pretty big sample size IMO of guys that have noted how good it is here vs the other places. Good is again relative to the rest of the teams. Not that we don’t have our own issues. Houston seems to boil down to the ownership FO/change that recently occurred. Dave Gettlemen IMO is the perfect example. They tried him. He got fired because he was bad for the culture/atmosphere/relationships. Houston essentially found out IMO they had a Dave....and doubled down.
  19. Did Cam ever address if he would simply play out his contract? I wanted to roll with Cam. But I couldn’t of done it if he wanted an extension to play.
  20. well, Carolina, all things considered...is largely regarded as a pretty decent place to play over the years. As fans we are hard on the org. we follow. But we have seen enough players come in and talk about other orgs to know by NFL standards...it isn't bad. Houston by a lot of player accounts became a real cesspool. Even in our dark times here, we haven't heard that. I mean if we had an Easterby that was causing our players to revolt I think both Richardson and Tepper would simply of fired them. Houston seems to be really unique mess right now.
  21. from the man who brought us Jimmy Clausen. The one true Hurney draft.
  22. Watson is Gamestop stock. The athletes are the redditors. The part of billionaire is still played by the billionaire.
  23. Bill minus Brady - 2 winning seasons, 6 losing seasons. Brady minus Bill - 1 winning season
  24. I would say every owner hates the thought of it....even the one who landed him (if it happens). as I said, they have watched players in other sports begin to wield their power. They know it is coming to the NFL to some degree. And none of them want it.
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