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Everything posted by CRA

  1. I just see this as a QB flexing his power/influence on his team.....not that he wants out. I think we will see more and more NFL players wielding their power going forward.
  2. Are there? There is the draft? But we aren't sitting in a safe position to get one of the main 4. We will need to move up. Which is fine but I think we are going to work ourselves into a desperate position where a team takes us for a lot simply because we won't be able to roll with the status quo. Outside of a mega deal to get Watson (longshot)....we likely are just swapping band-aid QBs on par w/ Teddy and tying up more pointless money IMO. I personally don't want any QB not named Watson that is out there. Is there really a point to bringing those dudes in?
  3. I do think we are working ourselves into a position where we simply won't be able to roll with Teddy next year. The whole team sport thing doesn't work that well when your starting QB knows a franchise doesn't want him. I think the end result will be us forcing our own hand and trading a poo ton to move up in the draft to get a QB.
  4. but the real question....has any mega show ever pulled off an ending and is it even possible to actually satisfied the collective audience that has invested years into a TV show? LOST, GOT, SOA, etc. most of my favorite shows (and I don't actually watch much random TV) left me disappointed in the end. Didn't watch the Sopranos but heard the same there too.
  5. Rushing the last 2 seasons hurt the storytelling. Which a lot of criticism is tied to that. And GOT always made it clear that storybook endings weren't what the show was about. That said, I still think they botched the ending. At least the one character/plot line that gets the most criticism. I don't think Martin finishes the book....but if he does, it will be interesting to see if he does the same thing the TV show did.
  6. heck, I'd argue sports is more legit today than probably any other time in history. back in the day? White Sox type poo? Yeah, they weren't millionaires like today. You know back in the day all sorts of people were willing to help dictate outcomes.
  7. "you aren't old enough to get that call". starts and ends with the refs essentially. But it is the collective that IMO influences them. For example, Tom Brady is a GOAT. Why when the wind blows he could get a roughing call and Cam could have his head ripped off and nothing. Refs intentionally or not are inconsistent with how they call games. Who is on the field impacts how they call it.
  8. intentional or not....I do think the NFL/refs can and do impact the odds of one team vs the other often. And who is on those teams dictates that. The "you're not old enough to get those calls" mindset would be an example of such. and all it takes is one ref to influence a game. Influencing isn't fixing. But it is impactful. I think it would be tough to argue the Bucs weren't aided the last two games with the way pass coverage was called from game to game. They mauled GB all game to survive with no flags. They lose if that game is called how 99% of them were all year. And if they let KC play last night....Tampa wouldn't of gotten up as the did. Tom Brady gets flags others don't. Doesn't make it rigged. Makes a lot of stuff bullshit though IMO.
  9. Vintage Philly Andy Reid. Tampa never did shut the KC run game down. KC simply opted away from any kind of balance and refused to aid the OL.
  10. Musk IMO is as equally crazy as he is brilliant. Tesla buys $1.5 billion in bitcoin, plans to accept it as payment (cnbc.com)
  11. I'm sure it is online somewhere but that ESPN documentary Going Broke was an interesting watch for anyone that never saw it.
  12. HBO comes and goes at our house. We got it currently because my wife really wanted to see that WW movie and I want to see some upcoming stuff like the Matrix (which I feel will disappoint but I got to)....
  13. Game of Thrones was my favorite show of ALL TIME. And it wasn't even close. The last season did change that. Largely the final episode. While the last season wasn't on par w/ the standard I held them to.... a decent final episode would have kept it as my favorite all time. Probably still in my top 10 because the ride was really really good and I guess a bad ending shouldn't erase that. If you quit on season 5? Yeah, keep watching. You didn't even get to some of the really good stuff.
  14. Darin Gantt did an article on him this week for Panthers.com Head Coach at Campbell University.
  15. there is an article in the WSJ about a hedge fund that made nearly a billion dollars (700 million) on the Gamestop event.
  16. what is the purpose? only purpose I can think of is both staffs dislike their QBs.....and if both teams fail to improve their QB situation a swap of the two prevents the awkwardness of having to start a guy who knows he isn't wanted.
  17. I mean, if Cam Newton has no legacy here......then no player does. Cam Newton was the Panthers first superstar. Cam Newton was the first athlete that drew outside masses to the franchise. Can't say that about 89. Pep. Luke. Mills. No one.
  18. Surprise? We got girls playing NCAA football. We got Tom Brady talking about playing past the age of 45. we pulled Vinny T off the couch at 44 years old. I see nological reason why we don't bring in a 46 year old Jake Delhomme off the horse farm. That arm has had a lot of rest. Plenty of time for Jake to of defeated Tommy Jone.
  19. Well, there are two takes you can have after watching what his response is to the coach/GM not committing to Teddy and other QB talk. 1. CMC gave a textbook non answer and stayed away from the question. OR 2. if you read his eyes and what he was saying with them in regards to Teddy...
  20. I probably max out at 3 first and CMC. In terms of top tier assets. I’m not giving up my young defensive players. Well, the big 3.
  21. I’d like to know what what the attempted conversation was about Aaron Rodgers. What the ballpark the Rams were thinking. Hope that leaks.
  22. If you are Washington...4 first rounders would be less IMO than 3 first rounders and Chase Young. I don't know what it will take. I think Stafford went for too much and has skewed the Watson conversation to a point I may not be comfortable with anymore. I was cool w/ 2 first and CMC. Then maybe some additional non-first round picks. I'm fine burning some 2nd and 3rd rounders. Based on the Stafford thing I clearly got no feel on what teams are willing to do in this moment though.
  23. I don't know where I would put Winston at this point. I mean he has talent. Not sure of a comparable to him.
  24. He does suck. But from Payton's position he probably was less of a risk. They didn't have a lot of room for era. When in doubt Hill likely tries to make something happen with his legs. When in doubt....Winston does have a habit for poor decisions downfield. Think Winston was probably too high risk/high reward for the moment. Saints had a decent D and ground attack.
  25. I don't believe those proposals. Watson isn't worth 4 first rounders. Which is what those are. One being a guaranteed stud DE.
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