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Everything posted by CRA

  1. In fairness, l’m sure they have worked on a lot of them. But they can’t be expected to fix all his in an offseason….and have him behind that OL. the claim they were going to fix him never was believable. You can’t fix a broken QB behind a bad OL.
  2. Well as he points out. That isn’t what is actually happening on all these plays he is referencing. It’s Sam out of whack. And the right throw doesn’t happen. And if it does, it’s then late and wrong since Sam isn’t in sync with anything. The playcall works. But Sam is so out of whack he can’t make it work. He just fugs the works up. and you basically are defending Sam for playing poorly because of the belief of what could of happened. That didn’t. And it was just him in the end being bad. So it’s faulting the OL when they do their job It’s why the right call was always for him to be sitting somewhere like Trubisky. To see if his game can ever develop be fixed to get back on the field.
  3. maybe they can explain why they added CJ, Gilmore, etc.....and not someone like Menshew then. In on every deal, right?
  4. could be more than football. Miami just a more attractive place to be for him. He is young and single. All his family and past would be super close to him here. Easy driving distance to him. Everyone doesn't want to go back home (ish).
  5. What if the NFL actaully greenlights they won't suspend Watson this season at least unless something new emerges. Carolina offers a mega deal. Hou takes it to him. Watson is like, nah...I don't like the looks of Rhule and what is going on. lol.
  6. There is one today in NY. The WFT/Gruden stuff probably will be a hotter topic than Watson.
  7. Worth a listen. Talks about how Sam just gets out of sync with plays and makes them look bad. *apologies in advance for this not being another Watson thread.
  8. The NFL doesn't care if those guys ever play a snap again.
  9. the NFL doesn't give a poo about Watson. It still chews guys like him up and spits them out with ease. They aren't hurting without him playing.
  10. well, that's why Teddy's game was just to play small ball. And Teddy was a good small ball QB between the 20s.
  11. easier to drive up the price on Miami's offer when you have someone else precieved in the deal. if it's only Miami, it becomes a straight up take it or leave it offer.
  12. we have the worst OL in the NFL. We can only threaten so much of the field realistically because of that. and yes, Sam Darnold is horrible at reading a field and progressing. The right throws come and go. And yeah, people then get covered. That's the NFL. Windows close. He is slow with it. And when he does find something he too often isn't on time getting it out...... It's why he is a downgrade from Teddy. Teddy could read the field and get it out to the right guy on time. Teddy can move on from the first read before the ball touches his hands. Sam basically has to have his first read come open....and if it doesn't you basically have 50/50 of horrible Sam living up to his name. and you could google and find artcles from this weekend that break that fact down. and you can find people doing that throught his long career. that's what he is.
  13. reports have always been Miami is the only team he gave the greenlight on. He said no to Philly. We proabably are just chump leverage and just being used to manipulate the Miami deal. Hope that is the case.
  14. a lof of them stems from Darnold not being able to handle progressions and reads quickly. And the windows come and go on the routes. He largely is a one read QB who implodes after that. And even when throws are there he has always had a hestiation about pulling the trigger when it should be pulled. He is late with it. Leads to bad throws and better coverage finding guys.
  15. I don't really get into actually hating teams. I talk mad junk about the Gamecocks but it largely just to ruffle feathers of thesupporters I know. In reality, I would hope the Gameocks win every game they play minus 1 each year. Them being overall successful is better for Clemson than them being bad.
  16. IMO, as long as Hou is doing the job for them, the NFL isn’t to say a word on Watson. they certainly aren’t going to promise a team they will or won’t do something once Hou puts it in their lap. Variables that don’t exist now will start to form.
  17. Trash now equals…failing to pull off a 7th straight conference title and 7th straight college football playoff appearance. mighty high bar other fanbases are setting.
  18. the NFL has put plenty of folks on the list that weren't charged they can do whatever they want with it. If an irrelvant team suggests they are going to play him....social media, TV sports talk, the media will be all over it. That means as we head into the NFL playoffs....you think the NFL is going to let Watson and some bad team take all the attention at that point in the season. That's bad business. NFL will want people to be hyping up and talkking about Brady, Super Bowl, playoffs. Not talking about Watson and a really bad football team.
  19. is it a coincidence we have gone down the gutter after Tepper threw Keep Pounding in the trash can? I think not.
  20. Richardson forced to sell team. Tepper buys and immediately starts talking about putting that in the past and changing the culture. Tepper watches Matt Rhule's QBs and reminds himself you have to be flexible with your plans.
  21. I mean, I probably watched it. But Delhomme just hadn't played enough football for me to have a take on him. Teddy and Sam played a ton of football in the NFL and I watched them both in college and the pros over the years. Easier to have a take on them vs Jake.
  22. I think the highest odds are Watson not being traded. This keeps looking like groundhog day. Some talk being kicked around by the media.
  23. Sunday with a clean and time pocket...he threw deep into a sea of 5 Giants and player and was intercepted by our old friend. The checkdown wideopen for a big gain. Sam is just bad. Find the greatest OC in NFL history and let me play QB for him. Not a single play would work. I got an Uncle Rico arm. Trust me. It would be a clown show. You can't put a QB like Sam Darnold on the field and think you have any clue what an OC is capable of or how good he is. Brady already has a mountain to climb with the OL. You can't give an OC both those problems. Panthers set him up to fail. It's not a Joe Brady issue. You frankly can't evalute him at all. I remain anti-scapegoat. In football and in the real world life. Firing Joe Brady isn't the answer. But I do concede he will be one of the first 3 that go.
  24. Sam Darnold paired with this OL That's the primary issue. You can't scheme up a successful O with that over the course of a season. again, go back and look at simliar Sean McDermott as an example of a coordinator scapegoated. Talented young coordinator scapegoated because an org didn't put talent on the field for him to do his job. Problem wasn't McDermott in Philly. It was talent. Problem here is Sam Darnold and our OL. Not the guy drawing up an O that everyone has had career years in. and again, people have taken one comment and comically taken it out of context. See Luke Kuechly. Then find a game he played against whoever you deem was the best OC we faced. Luke is calling out the majority of if the plays by whatever OC you think is great. It's the NFL. The opponents sometimes knows what you are doing....and you have to win the route. And your QB has to find the guy that one the route despite the oppoennt knowing what is coming.
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