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Everything posted by CRA

  1. he only is going to eat all that money if Matt Rhule stays unemployed from coaching. Which I don't think would happen. Rhule clearly isn't a TV gig type of guy.
  2. would you leave a job you were miserable at (and was making you look bad to future employers) for a job that paid you comparable money? I mean, he isn't going to quit without a good college job to go to. But if one opens and they want him I suspect he will take off.
  3. no NFL coach just gets 4-7 years. You still have to earn it. the stadiums will empty, the season tickets they so want to bump the price on won't sell, etc.
  4. I don't think Tepper is actually dumb. I think he takes risks. And that often makes you look dumb. I generally believe him when he says he thought he knew a lot when he got to the NFL and realized he was wrong on a lot. I believe the reporting he is embarrassed over what he did with Matt Rhule. I'm not sure he will ever be a good owner. Jerry wasn't a great owner but Jerry was at least a football guy. And i'm not talking about playing, I think Jerry legitimately wanted to win. He loved football. Tepper loves money. But I while I do think Rhule should of been fired after year 2. I guess there is some positive big picture about even if you are pretty sure you made a mistake to giving it legit shot before you move on. I think future HC hires would look at how Tepper treated Rhule. Giving him 3 years was more than fair opportunity. Which is what guys want in a world where you can easily be gone after 1 or 2 seasons. But I fully expect this to be Rhule's last year. I think the odds are actually hire Rhule leaves for a college gig in season pending the right one opens up. But Tepper is a money guy. And if Rhule has a 3rd straight 5 win season it will start to really spill over into the money. Because a good percentage of the fanbase will be done w/ the team short term. And then ego on top of it. Tepper doesn't enjoy being the doofus and keeping Rhule after 3 goes beyond sensible/a real chance. And I think both sides know what is coming pending a miracle season doesn't occur. And we don't look like it is coming.
  5. I think Rhule is out of offensive scapegoats. On 3rd QB and 2nd OC. Him tossing anyone in the fire on O won’t silence any of the noise. And he can’t bench his QB for relief because the next guy up is Sam.
  6. they are still part time. it's a side hustle. just like college.
  7. we had a NFL staff then. I'm sure they would have addressed the known QB/C exchange issue before it spilled over into week 1. And then Rhule bullshitted that hadn't been a problem. That wasn't true per reporting.
  8. yeah, the greatest QB of all time is running the O leaves a lot of unknowns. And I am sure Brady has a ton of control.
  9. All the other teams that ran only ran 50 something plays managed to put more WRs on the field.
  10. this is the annoying BS. Where they pretend like a problem was evident beforehand. Baker and Elflien fumbled the exchange in the preseason game. When they were fumbling the exchange on Sunday it was live tweeted that they had issues in practice leading up the Browns game with it. Baker didn't get starter reps. And he often was paired up with Bozeman and not working w/ the same center. and it was so evident we talked specifically about the exchange issue and how it likely could be a problem as the season started.
  11. Phil Snow doesn’t want people to worry about winning or losing. pretty sure this is the mentality Cam Newton spoke of when he arrived in 2011 that needed to be done away with. He was right then.
  12. I am curious, I haven't got to see the game again on the NFLN..... but two refs threw the flag. They got talked out of it. Wonder if the footage shows if the Browns HC got in any of their ears? I still don't see how you don't use your timeout in that moment and make a fuss (bonus of icing the kicker)....but it potentially could of given NY or wherever time to correct the ruling on the field. Or just given Rhule a chance to get to whoever overturned w/ a simple discussion on the rule.
  13. there were other competitions that were decided before the QB one. I'm fine with a technical one to open up camp. It's the length. When a competition becomes a fake one and then you rob someone of reps.
  14. I was listening to Sirius XM and I think it was Bill Polian that also brought up a fact about the turn around we had in the 2nd half. He wasn't trying to oversell it but... We likely had an advantage this past week vs the Browns that showed itself in the 2nd half that we won't have working for us this weekend. One factor in the turnaround was the Browns D slowed down in part because of the Carolina weather wearing on them.
  15. yeah, but Baker and Sam aren't unknowns. There is a ton data to make an educated decision on that doesn't take up until the 4th preseason game to figure out. That's another Rhule issue that consistently shows. He struggles figuring out pretty obvious things. Specifically, at QB but at a ton of spots. and the elite QBs are textbook example of why reps and practice does matter going into a season. Because even the elites that are largely protected don't look good going into a season without work. A middle of the pack starter in a new system with all new players is going to need every rep he can get.
  16. I was fine letting Baker compete in Spartanburg. He did that. Rhule carried it pointlessly long. That's Matt Rhule. and when you carry a competition too long, one that clearly isn't actually a competition at some point.....everyone sees that too. The options weren't give him the job the day he signed the contract or run it all the way until the 4th preseason game.
  17. it's little things. Like BC last year, Rhule painfully put him on the field when forced and argued against things with silly nonsense. BC comes back this offseason with Rhule not really seeing him and suddenly Rhule now says he is one of our best guys that has to be on the field. There was no real time for that narrative to change so quick. It was obvious BC should of gotten more work last year and be even further along today than he is if he had. And he looks like a promosing OL asset. Matt Rhule makes everything hard. Giving Baker the job was easy. He made it hard.
  18. are you sweaty, sloppy and potentially a former short order cook? Because if you were....we might could talk about giving you another shot at bagging those groceries, friend.
  19. Embarrassing Saints had 208 yards and 17 points in the 4th quarter. They averaged 12.2 yards per play. Every team could cherry pick out there stats. You wouldn't have been 3rd best in a world where everyone also cherry picks stats.
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