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Everything posted by CRA

  1. Ok. But being able to play 1960s football to beat dysfunctional teams or teams those that simply can’t stop the run…..isn’t something worth caring about being. I didn’t want Wilks. Just like I didn’t want Frank. If my options were just those 2? I would just kept Wilks. But that’s not what a team should striving to be in 2023.
  2. Bryce did more with less? Bryce played at Alabama. But better equipped to deal with a bad situation is about physical size/skill sets. Bryce needs to be hit the least is the most traditional pocket player of the bunch.
  3. Stroud and Richardson coming in were better equipped to deal with a bad situation. Carolina's horrific play calling and weak skill talent.....makes this a bad situation for a rookie QB. For Bryce's skillset to shine, it requires additional things to also be functional (and those aren't in Carolina right now).
  4. Stroud was my #1. But I was content pending they took any of the 3. We simply had to play the QB lotto.
  5. I don't think the win total matters. How Bryce Young looks at the end matters. But given we don't have a first round pick next year.....I think Frank gets a year 2 no matter what the outcome is.
  6. Bears already David Carr'd him. Broke him. That's the danger of putting a rookie in a spot early where there isn't the talent to legitimately develop him. because Fields has wide open dudes right in front of his face at this point. He can't see and do it. He has gotten worse since entering the league.
  7. How do I define overpaying Burns? By talking about Bosa in the same conversation.
  8. Tepper just needs to sit down with Frank and be like: Frank. You are a good coach. But we both know you just got fired for having that call sheet in your hands. You give it to Brown or go find someone else that you will give it to. But Brown needs it until then.
  9. understandable. Nothing worse than planning to go to a game and getting the backup. Happened to me on the road with Cam. Turned me into a late ticket buyer willing to eat that late decision cost.
  10. Best overall defensive player start of 2023 - Luvu 2022- Luvu 2021 - Reddick 2 free agent pickups. I mean, you are literally just argued that a sack on a 2pt conversation doesn't matter if you can't point to it on a stat sheet. Stats aren't the end all be all. But Bosa and Burns' stats aren't close over the past several years. Burns is a great pass rusher. Love to have him finish the bulks of his career here. But no, I don't want to drastically overpay Burns. People keep trying to turn it into a fraudulent convo. If you like Burns you should want to overpay him, if you don't want to overpay Burns you are hater. That's silly. Carolina has a long history of overpaying. It becomes really problematic when you are talking about overpaying in the realm some are with Burns. If it comes down to Bosa-ish money? Yeah, I'd rather trade Burns. And that has little to do with Burns.
  11. Most teams are trying to take the deep ball away from teams with explosive players and make them play small. Carolina is choosing to take it away from themselves AND defenses are playing the small ball. That's presently our big problem. Playing small ball can work pretty well when teams are playing to take vertical plays away. Teams aren't playing us to take them away. We are literally playing into what opposing defenses are playing us to do. and the only way to play into what a defenses is playing you to do.....is to have vastly superior talent. For example, loading the box vs a road grading OL and elite RB. Well, they might dare you stop them and still win that matchup. We are basically daring a defense to stop us.....and they are doing it easily. Oh, you want to come down and defend our small ball. Guess what, we are still going to play small ball with our weak WRs and predictable calls.
  12. Burns isn't even our best player. Luvu is. That's not Burns hate. He just isn't. Burns is an elite pass rusher. One of the best in the NFL at that. But Bosa is more than that. Which again, simply acknowledging that isn't talking down Burns.
  13. And stats sometimes lie or don't tell the truth. Last night is just a big perfect example. He had 2 pretty big sacks last night. Especially the sack that didn't get logged because it was a 2 point conversion. Bosa and Burns haven't been comparable players the past several years. Nor this year.
  14. I mean, but none of that is what you said. You claimed the doctors said 1-2 weeks. That just doesn't exist. That's all. I don't care if Young is sat. As I have said, I want him to sit. I think a 100% healthy Young should sit. 2 different things. I think Carolina is selling a little BS in order to essentially do the right thing. It's a better look for everyone this way too.
  15. Bosa had 2 sacks last night. Only one goes in the books. That one that was almost a safety gets logged. He also had a sack on that 2 pt conversation. They don't log that in the books though.
  16. yeah, I'm must talking about in the world of retreads though. Which isn't the path I generally would argue for. Unless the Steelers happened to fire Mike Tomlin or something like that. Which would be a version of KC landing Andy Reid. I can handle those retreads. I think in today's NFL. You should try to go the route the Rams, Phins, 49ers etc went. Young offensive minds. I like those gambles better than going after failed HCs. Especially older ones.
  17. as is normal in the Tepper window, Rhule should of never sniffed a year 3. Just another mistake in the countless sea of them in the Tepper era. Pederson would have been a great hire if you wanted to go the retread route.
  18. Frank looking at film after being blasted about his horrific playcalling and the fact no one can get open. you stated team doctors said Young should be out 1-2 weeks. Again, that doesn't actually exist. and as you just posted again, when Young gets on the field is about 3 people. You don't know what the doctors have said. You don't know what Frank and Bryce think behind the scenes. No one does. what we can all do is just bullshit about it. And even if Bryce was 100% healthy, I'd argue Frank should sit him. Because Frank doesn't have an O right now you can develop a rookie QB in. He has one you ruin a QB in. So I build my BS around what I see.
  19. maybe the QB guru in Philly was Doug Pederson, the dude calling the plays and setting up the QB for success. Same play caller who just took the worst team in the NFL.....to the playoffs in his first season after taking over.
  20. There is no report that team doctors said Young shouldn't play for 1-2 weeks. as Frank said in his presser, Young's playing again comes down to 3 people. 2 of those people are Frank and Bryce. and reality is, nothing smells right. And when nothing smells right, there is probably something there. We can only guess. but what's safe to say, is Carolina doesn't presently have Bryce Young in a position to grow and develop. And they need to fix what is around him before they can do that.
  21. Continuing down the current path this season has started on....isn't a good career move for anyone tied to Bryce Young. This season is about developing Young. And they are on a path of stunting and ruining it to open up the year. Frank has stuff to figure out that isn't Bryce Young related. He needs to figure that out. And figure it out this first 3rd or quarter of the season. Because you can't develop and grow Bryce in this current version of the Panthers. you could follow any player and find plays that likely didn't look and feel good. Young tweaked his ankle no doubt. Half the starters probably got rolled up and fell on oddly too. It's football. That's every game. Everything to date, indicates the ankle isn't a serious issue. Because they would have Bryce up on it so heavily every day.
  22. all we got is the rumor mill. It always suggested Frank likely preferred a Frank size QB. Young was a Tepper guy. No one knows though. But everyone was going to shift language around the guy the team was going to end up picking. There were 3 very different QBs. Doubtful many had the same order of them in any organization in the NFL. But I don't buy this narrative Frank would have called plays for one and not the other. They could not pry it from his old boring hands no matter how bad it got in Indy and he always said he would call plays here......very early on. Way before it appeared they figured out who they wanted. And it clearly seemed like they weren't positive who they wanted when they initially made the move up.
  23. Frank Reich, Dom Capers, and Jim Caldwell. A trio of 60+ year olds is where that narrative was created off of. We never had an all star coaching staff. It was just an all star staff in comparison to the Matt Rhule era. A big difference. *we do have 2 young coordinators that we legitimately could be excited about landing. But Frank's in the way of one of them. Frank is calling the plays. And it's not just him calling the plays, it's Frank's core offense/scheme. Not the OCs.
  24. I don't see why if his preference was A and got B instead.....that somehow means Frank would suddenly not be Frank. They couldn't pry the playcalling from him at Indy. Whoever he got, he was going to be Frank. And he was going to come into this thing calling plays. Which I think he addressed before the draft if I am not mistaken.
  25. That's literally everyone's job in the end. To sing that song. I mean, someone could of hated a pick. But after it's made, the job is to promote and support it.
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