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Everything posted by CRA

  1. Didn't his mom pass away in the offseason? So that scenario isn't really accurate. Wouldn't it be more like what If you took a a couple month vacation and it happened then?
  2. Also have to realize if something happens during the course of a seaosn vs off season.....reactions will be different. People in season are around you everyday and the organization is in the loop....and it impacts when you work. Offseason? It could actually be easy for a death not to get much attention unless the player is in touch with the team/teammates.
  3. Yeah, it makes this really an old topic...All Pro section pretty much knew why Williams had his own little protest going all season long.....
  4. Bell wasn't an overpaid top dollar player....he won't say anything negative
  5. CJ battled injury I believe early....came on strong late. Kalil has just as much to prove in terms of showing he is worth the money at this stage as CJ
  6. I doubt that...last 3 years we were 2nd in rush attempts. Both GM and HC embrace ball control They were being polite. They meant we can't justify spending money on how little you run
  7. Bell is the type guy who is one training camp injury away from being right back
  8. We don't run enough is the reason? That is awfully nice and bogus
  9. True. We could be getting a Nate Chandler caliber LT next year BC Carolina has shown they are willing to do that
  10. Someone who wants a good lockerroom/team guy to provide OL depth.
  11. Seems like a pretty good dude. Carolina simply asked too much of him. He is a backup RT. Nothing wrong with that....hope he finds something of that nature.
  12. I think penciling in Stewart as the lead runner is an extremely safe bet. Sure there will still be some form of a committee used though and a RB added. But yes, penciling Stewart in as the lead RB basically stating the painfully obvious.
  13. One fact that gets overlooked is older players.....that are still here can't be viewed as constants. They get worse. For example, Fozzy is better than Barner. Rest of our RB corp is two years older. They are old enough that when comparing themselves vs younger versions results in a decline. Current Luke is better than old Luke. Bc he is still on the incline. Harper as much as a hated Godfrey IMO can't be viewed as better. Not sure Harper can even earn a roster spot this next season
  14. 1. How are we much better on D? Hardy gone. Seconfary is still meh. On O we had Gross on the OL and the rest is a push. Would argue at this point we are worse at RB bc we are getting very old. We have potential on O and D that you likely couldn't be looking forward to but better IMO is counting that potential as more certain than it is
  15. No. We can talk potential but big picture I don't think we can factually say it is better. Can't really say WR, RB, S, T, DE, etc are stronger now. We have better potential now at some spots but can't really ink us in as better. No. Ron is what he is. He still has all his same positive and negatives I think so....Dave appears to have things going the right direction. This offseason will tell us a lot more about him since he actually has some room and ability to make moves both acquiring and dealing with present guys
  16. 2005 Davis was basically Mike Tolbert but minus the 3rd down scat back looks. Davis had 12 TDs in 2005 and basically was short yardage runner.
  17. Dwayne "Just give him a chance" Jarrett needs up in this....I'd put him in over Colbert
  18. what about Carr? He might give Clausen more competition than Weinke
  19. I don't think it is a publicity stunt.....I think there is very little to talk about and this is one of the few currently relevant subjects. And I do think big picture.....this doesn't really mean much. Which Voth seems to imply in the article where he states Hardy is still likely gone nc of all the previously mentioned points. So my point is people are putting too much stock in something Voth isn't actually putting much faith in. Yes he reported it.....yet he didn't report that it drastically changes anything
  20. It is all situational. Take 34 for example. Some think I hate him. I don't. I would love him as a vet min cheap committee guy. But that isn't the situation....I want nothing to do with him in the current situation. Hardy is a beast. I'm certain he will be a beast next year. I don't believe it will be here and I don't think that is the wrong move either.... Would out front 4 be better with or without him? With. But all things factored in which is a lot in reality he IMO most likely will be an easy decision when it comes down to it
  21. I think Voth is awesome. I pretty much only come here and there for Panther stuff at this stage. Observer, ESPN, etc is just bleh for a Panther fan. Yall should just merge and take over the world
  22. That pause did get me. Big time. So did that Bahston accent. I am a Newton fanboy and he irritated me. But the chubby little dude is pretty awesome.
  23. I guess my point that is overlooked is.... Voth's article doesn't really contradict his prior opinions. He again states Hardy is likely gone and the owner and FO don't trust him.....in the article people are claiming is him changing his stance. He just is explaining the longshot odds bc he finally had something come up to help support the tiny percentage shot of him being a Panther.....which he stated again he doesn't believe will happen.
  24. and all signs point to Dave being the bad ass I didn't believe could be true..... Rum 1 CRA a happy 0 And the good thing is since the topic is Carolina....if your opinion is wrong there is often good things as a result that made you wrong.
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