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Everything posted by CRA

  1. John Fox plays for OT with Peyton Manning....coaches largely are what they are. RR is an X'd and O's guy...always will be. RR takes blame....put when guys can't go simple stuff late in games. It is what it is
  2. That is also largely players who can't excute Sure he has his areas of fault....but we aren't a losing team under RR bc of a couple clock management issues. Watch enough other football and they all have them. Mike Smith in Atl is every bit as conservative as RR by the way
  3. Um... First GM....resigned all Fox's guys to mega deals. Fox was out the door and it was a 2 win team. THAT limits a new HC. Limits his roster, adds holes, and makes him play with the olds guys roster 2nd GM didn't hire RR and had no say... That is a Richardson created issue. GMs haven't done RR favors here. Should be acknowledged. That isn't negative. Negative is what YOU and other posters are a about RR. Jerry Richardson hasn't done a good job with his GM/HC. Keeps one or the other when both should be together.
  4. RR isn't a gambler.... He makes the "right calls". You want RR to be good....don't have glaring holes on his roster. It is what it is. The GMs in Carolina have been his downfall IMO
  5. If the Big Cat valued winning that much....he would have stopped all these GM/HC pairings to nowhere he has done the past 3 years... And if RR had a good GM with him the past 3 seasons....some of these holes would have been plugged and we would have won. RR is a smart HC.....holes prevent the "right" calls from working. RR isn't a gambler and with so many holes he would have needed the gamble
  6. Then the FO knows who it was....and that would most likely eliminate him. That doesn't seem likely....
  7. He isn't a lame duck in the sense Fox was..... he was a coach that has very limited chance to retain his job and a FO that didn't hire nor was all in on him
  8. Meh, I am fully aware I view things different than what a "average" fan. Most fans IMO are more loyal to players than I am. I just think perspective matters, like RR....I have been more positive toward him than most. My "negativity" is largely pieces I think that make it harder on him. But collectively the fanbase is negative on RR....therefore that isn considered negative but the norm. I merely am in his corner....I think to win a FO has to put that first and I think with both GM situations he has had.....deck has been against him
  9. No, I just don't slant positve like most fans when it comes to their team. I look at both. The fact I don't slant postive makes you think I am overly negative. Reality is I have been higher on RR/Cam that most here. That is the foundation of this team. Śo that overly negative poo is a selective accusation. having a list of players I think we should move on from isnt being a negative fan.....life in the NFL. Also perspective matters, too many are negative about RR...which I oppose. DG then show backed that lack of faith comment with his lack of action aiding RR/Cam's OL mess and his draft..... I didn't like the Beason move bc of timing....I would want to part with Williams the day Stewart returns from PUP either.
  10. I think our FO leaked it I'm saying if we didn't want it leaked....and have spoken with one guy and HE leaked it....that would take him out of consideration bc it would highly piss off our FO. But I think our FO leaked it
  11. I am a simple man. You have to prove yourself in order to get assumptions your unknown ways are good. DG has no resume as a GM and I didn't like some comments he made and ignoring glaring holes....ones that revolve around the QB. Too many IMO think DG is great despite him not doing that much. His record overall to date has never shown much faith in this QB/HC... and I didn't want a doomed season. Goes back to JR though....he keeps creating these scenarios
  12. You think he wants to eliminate himself that quick? Bc if a FO didn't want it out.....one candidate would quickly remove himself from consideration
  13. I don't buy that... All I buy is Richardson forced RR/Cam on him for one year.....and then he can move in his own direction. Why his real investment was on a DG defense. DG IMO could have helped RR by fixing some glaring issue on his OL. Had the ability to upgrade and didn't.
  14. RR knows it is playoffs or bust. Doesn't need his seat hotter. IMO, this is a FO showing lack of faith in everyone when our season is very much still alive In all honesty, RR is gone even with a playoff appearance. Would have to win in the postseason likely
  15. Gettlemen has never been a GM before.... He is an old rookie GM. The same week they trade away a veteran presence his FO leaks this? On our way to a HUGE road game? Sounds dumb to me...
  16. There D and ST would have to be part of those points. Either scoring themselves or putting the O in automatic pt scenarios. Which could happen
  17. I can get picking them.... That struggling O to put up the most points on us this season.....not so much.
  18. Also, the Cardinals D while it has played very good......is getting back there best defensive player and a starting NT that was out.
  19. You said those impressive defensive numbers translated to us winning handily. Winning handily in the NFL IMO is a beatdown.....you don't loke the wording fine. There stats don't translate to our offense rolling to an easy win.....which you brought up Those were your numbers that indicated a handily beating....now you are claiming they mean nothing and points is all that should be looked at when it was pointed out how good those numbers really were. But I agree points matter, yards don't. The fact there offense has been a joke actually means there D likely is even better than it is on paper. And I said this will be a field position game.....who wins that will get the points. Neither team should be rolling offensively IMO. We have a better offense. Which helped our D. Too early to claim we are better defensively.....AZ is talented and proven it on D
  20. Cam definitely needs to run....hopefully Shula sees getting away from that to fit some Gettlemen dream isn't the way. Cam should have a designed run on the first series of every game. He just seems to get in a comfort zone when he is doing it. Gross spoke on this before last year.
  21. This. Whichever D sets up there offense the best should win....and AZ has a D
  22. Win handily based on what they are giving up? That doesn't jive. That is the 2nd best in in ypr allowed in the NFL and a respectable 13th in ypp. that is good D...not an indicator of a beatdown. Field position and turnovers will be huge this week IMO
  23. The Giants, yeah... The rest, we didn't really impact there rankings I think we can run enough to keep the play action respected.....which is what we have done in competitive games this year
  24. Yep, they are a big part iof why there opponents don't rank well in the rush rankings despite good rush games against other teams. We also have played some weaker rush D's which aids our rankings. A Seattle type gameplan IMO wins it. If the D shows up. We don't want to give there DBs too many shots to make plays IMO
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