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Everything posted by CRA

  1. NFL can't just put you on the list. Hardy was on it bc he agreed to be
  2. What crime was Riley Cooper charged of when Philly disciplined him? What crime was Big Ben charged with when the NFL disciplined him? None of those scenarios are comparbale to each other and none are comparbale to Hardy. What they show is the NFL/teams can and will discipline players and it has nothing to do with the legal system.
  3. But again, the courts determine what does or doesn't happen to Greg in terms of his actual life. NFL doesn't need proof of any that nor does it simply say well we won't punish Greg bc the legal system didn't.
  4. New policy doesn't apply for Hardy. Not that simple. Ray Rice example just laid that foundation
  5. Again, that doesn't matter. NFL doesn't NEED that. NFL doesn't need proof Hardy paid her off and they dont need a court verdict or even a criminal charge A team or NFL can merely say your poor choices that didn't lead you to be guilty or even charged made us look poorly......so now you face X discipline as a result
  6. and the NFLPA doesn't step up and try to stop the discipline of the NFL unless they go to far (beyond what has been agreed upon). NFLPA knows Hardy isn't being punished TWICE. They may step in if NFL tries to punish Hardy under rules made up after his incident. But Hardy can be punished. I agree a union helps. But it doesn't try to stop punishment that they agreed can be done.
  7. Employees aren't exempt from punishment unless they commit a legal crime and are convicted. Just bc some employers have handled things inappropriate doesn't then mean people can't be punished. Employees are punished all the time also....and there is also nothing they can do to stop it (that will work)
  8. Your employer can discipline you even if you are not convicted of a crime....or even charged. NFL certainly can too.
  9. Ray Rice was punished. AP was punsihed. So the suspensions were overturned Hardy hasn't been punished
  10. Congrats dude. That is awesome. sidenote - Your Delhomme vid always got me
  11. Well, I'm just talking about what is going to happen. What I think is fair and the NFL policy should be may be different....but my opinion on that is the NFL has always been soft on players unless it makes headlines. So they added the vague conduct detrimental junk to appease people when the press gets bad
  12. All your focus is on what it means from a legal perspective.... NFL perspective is a different conversation. NFL will and has punished without someone even being charged
  13. Yep. Only other info NFL has to consider is that the girl was paid off to prevent the jury trial. While not an admission of guilt it does Hardy no favors in regards to the NFL looking at him.....nor does the way he carried himself during the first court appearance. Hardy from the public's perspective is lumped into this 2014 clump of poor behavior of players....and you can argue he was, even if innocent, by the company he elected to keep.... It isn't about what people think is fair. Hardy is getting punished bc NFL has wording to in it's policy to discupline and make examples of players in scenarios like this.
  14. Okay....then he was charged and arrested for a violent crime and pays off a girl before the court date. Again, through the NFL eyes THAT is gonna get you some form punishment in today's NFL. doesnt seem like you even grasp my arguement
  15. Last thing I'll say before I go eat... People confuse something. The fact he doesn't have a guilty verdict....doesn't mean punishment should be thrown out the window. That means he doesn't go to jail or face legal punishment. His job is a totally different ballgame.
  16. I say he was found guilty bc he was. I say he appealed I say he paid her off before round 2 And I say the quirky NC law that voids the first verdict technically speaking ....isn't something that makes it all go away for Hardy in terms of the NFL looking. He will be punished. That is what I say.
  17. Maybe. Maybe he would have had a bad year and broke his leg. That would have hurt his future earning potential.
  18. Don't know. Don't really care that much. I emotionally moved on from Hardy long ago
  19. Carolina was punished in 2014. Hardy not much. Also Hardy and his agent elected to go on the list. Bc they wanted the paid season of vacation....
  20. I don't know if he is innocent or guilty....wasn't there. I know he was found guilty. He appealed. Then he paid her off and never had a round 2. I wouldn't put my hard on money on claiming he was mostly likely innocent. NC quirky law has nothing to do with how I would view wager on someone in a given scenario
  21. There are guys who never get charged with a crime that get punished. This isn't the legal system. We are talking about the NFL. They can and do punish guys for making them look bad....they don't need a court or a guilty verdict or even a charge
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