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Everything posted by CRA

  1. I paid attention. I stick with my guess if I was forced to bet MY money on what happened.....and was told I would then have a video feed of went down after I guess? I'm guessing both them did stuff that would have gotten both arrested that night. and saying something stupid was basically a HUGE part of his charge.
  2. no reason Hardy would sign a one year cheap deal. it would be dumb....and his agent ain't that dumb (nor is Hardy)
  3. how is he likely innocent? He got a guilty verdict...he appealed...then he paid her off....then chargers were dismissed. IMO, the safest bet if you had to guess what happened....both he and she were probably both guilty that night. I think he likely gets 1-2 games for conduct detrimental.
  4. Think she helps him co-host a cancer thing every year
  5. DWill is gone. Personally I'm done with all 34 threads unless we are ranking our all time RBs or ranking the top 5 worst contracts in our history
  6. Drafted and retire as a player shouldn't be something we want outside of 1 day deals where someone comes back. Unless a player walks away from the game early....everyone should be cut.
  7. Williams and his people were so busy trying to make him being cut focused on something other than him being old, expensive and not very good......that they done messed up.
  8. Not to get off topic....but you got any plans for a Kelvin or Stewart 2015 highlight vid?
  9. It is refreshing to see a rare highly paid falling star go out like Delhomme. Most take swipes. Williams, Jenkins, Peppers, 89, Beason....most take some sort of jab back at different levels.
  10. In fairness, he sought out that interview with the purpose of being asked that question most likely...for an audience. That is the likely reality of all of it. Yeah, you can't say anything is a fact....but he didn't stage this huge rare production just to say I got cut.
  11. I don't think it tarnished his image...guys tend to struggle with being cut/released (especially the highly paid former stars). That isn't uncommon. You aren't gonna see a lot of guys handle it like Delhomme.....the 89, 34, maybe even Beason slipped a little jab here or there is more likely IMO. So he remains what he was. Our best RB to date. No one will really care he got upset about the owner and his mom. Needle doesn't move IMO
  12. thank you. some people can't separate the two. I would love Williams even today if he had a salary/cap hit a 32 year old RB of his current ability deserved....and proper insertion into the committee. As for the years after his contract, it was never about him personally.....about the scenario the FO created. Most simply saw Williams and negative and flipped. Same stuff when I dared mention prior to 2013 that 89 was likely done anytime now....I was deemed to "hate" 89. No, he is my favorite player to date. But with a new GM/HC that didn't draft.....an old man being a pain in the rump was going to be shown the door if he didn't retire early on his own. Life and business of the NFL. I also thought Beason was done.....then that mean I hated him too. Beason was awesome. But injury is injury. Can't hope everyone will defy odds and be a Thomas Davis. Gotta play the smart odds majority of the time and move on. I disliked Dave when he was hired....but he pretty much has removed all the real issues this team has. I like his approach. No more soapboxes for me in sight.
  13. In fairness the media outlet portrayed what the interview was about in a certain light Williams also promoted the interview All to get attention.....and they got it. Then they told the real story. So the lead up is basically what they asked for
  14. The news outlet pitched the story that the Panthers didn't acknowledge his mom's passing and no one showed at the funeral. So people watched And bascially what they sold wasn't what Williams ended up saying. Which is basically how it works. All in all....Panthers did reach out, one even attended the funeral. Williams just wanted more
  15. No one said Hardy was a cancer No one said he is even a bad guy All that is said he isnt the type player you can invest a huge portion of your cap in....he makes poor decisions.
  16. Williams did say he was surprised with how "cool he was with being cut" and in hindsight wishes he was more demonstrative in the meeting. Whatver that means.... This is I guess him saying what he was suppose to say to Dave maybe....or simply wants an audience for it
  17. Story being told is different. Story is Panthers didn't reach out. Truth is one man didn't. That story is what the media outlet he chose to run to is putting out....or teasing the interview with
  18. Williams has a strong social media following.....stronger than anyone in Panther history. So if they hear a story being pitched like a team/franchsie turned their back on 34 they are gonna run with it. Story simply is Jerry Richardson didn't reach out. Team, coaches and GM did though
  19. So....Williams just admitted the General Manager called him during the draft? After he spoke to Ron. And that he heard from teammates. That doesn't sound like the story that was being pitched tonight.... So basically Jerry Richardson didn't call.
  20. From what I gather he is actually saying Richardson didn't reach out.....and no one went to the funeral. Not that no one reached out Which if true.....a year long pout followed by this media grab seems a bit much. Would be nice if your owner of whatever organization you worked for would reach out.....but it simply doesn't happen for everyone (no matter where you work)
  21. May or may not be meaning too....but Darin Gantt is right. He is cut and is basically immediately changing the direction of reality.....he is old, slow, expensive and really not that good which equaled being CUT but lets "focus" now as I run to the media about how people were mean
  22. In fairness, Johnson battled through that in front of his team. I still think you have to acknowledge different reactions say if something happens in December vs April. One of those is going to generate more response simply bc of the "when"
  23. Didn't his mom pass away in the offseason? So that scenario isn't really accurate. Wouldn't it be more like what If you took a a couple month vacation and it happened then?
  24. Also have to realize if something happens during the course of a seaosn vs off season.....reactions will be different. People in season are around you everyday and the organization is in the loop....and it impacts when you work. Offseason? It could actually be easy for a death not to get much attention unless the player is in touch with the team/teammates.
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