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Everything posted by CRA

  1. true. But the Bills are also regarded as a front 7 dominated defense....and those guys were in for the 80 yard TD drive. With CJ, KK, Star....and then TD and Luke playing only 6 snaps....Buffalo's starting O had it much easier than our 3rd drive O starters did last night Big picture...I think that was Cam's best looking first preseason game of his career. He tends to always look bad this early. Thought he looked actually ok
  2. But me down for anti both. Martin IMO had more to do with the Miami drama than Incognito. " Bullying" however is a fun thing for the media. Read all Martin's text and he just seems mentally unstable.....not a victim
  3. I agree. But he is a better lineman than Martin in both skill and makeup. As a pure backup, I'd rather have Bell. But Carolina always wants Bell to be more than what he is
  4. Meh... would have rather had Incognito.
  5. Name a QB with a worse OL/WR combo than Cam last year.... You want improved QB play you need to look at the front office....not a QB that dealt with all that crap while hurt
  6. Hardy was all pro level for a handful of games in 2013. TD showed up every week in 2013 and could arge was just as good in 2013 as the DPOY in Luke. So Hardy's high's might of been higher....TD better overall IMO. That would just be looking at 2013. Hardy likely is better than what will be the 2015 version of Davis
  7. Debatable. You could argue in 2013....Luke and TD were both better. Hardy had highs and lows and really achieved his incredible numbers in a few games. TD and Luke were much more consistant.
  8. It is what it is. Whose fault it is doesn't matter.
  9. FO says lots of things.... NFL players are two things.....production and contracts. Both matter. 800 yards and 3 TDs for example.....that could be GREAT or HORRIBLE production. What decides it is how much the person who got it costs.
  10. Williams wasn't a top 5 RB in 2011. And again, I said based on what he was PAID TO BE.....he didn't do much over those 4 years.
  11. You said "excellent"....I disgareed with that. That is the standard old Williams junk. Claiming he was excellent, or too 5 RB, or whatver wild statement is made about him....someone disagreeing with the over the top claim......then countering with why I don't think he was "good" is crazy. I never said it wasn't a good year. Good isn't excellent
  12. We used him extensively bc he made plays work. Period. Read option runs, play actions, etc. It wasn't bc he was simply a good reciever at RB. It was his between the threat in the read and play action ultimately that earned him those snaps. I don't hate Williams. Hated signing two RBs to featured deals. Hated the impact it had on us. Then I hated having one that wasn't a natural fit in our O. People to this day can't seperate disliking an individual vs disliking a situation created.
  13. Stewart played a larger percentage of offensive snaps than any RB in our entire division in 2011. Why? Bc he made things work. He was the best option. He helped set up the offense. That doesn't show up on his stats....and why stats don't ever tell the full story...Stewart made plays work. That made him the BEST option Not Williams. and Williams had a lot of plays designed for him that year....playing off the threat and attention Cam and Stewart created. Big play for us. Williams gets the stat sheet credit. Newton and Stewart played big roles....but stat sheet wouldn't let you know that. So why did 28 play the largest percentage of snaps in our division?
  14. Meh, there really has never been that much 34 hate.... One person could claim he is old.... Then person 2 claims "Oh my gawd you didn't say something totally awesome and praising 34....why do you think he is a POS, why do you believe he punches kittens, you are crazy" Then people think someone claims he punches kittens....yet no one did. Williams was setup by Hunrey to be in a postion to fail. There was no way for him to not be criticized. Yet people couldn't handle it
  15. Stats never tell a full story....it became obvious staring in 2011 he wasn't fitting well in our new team's direction. They found ways to make some plays for him and some big runs helped mask that on the stat sheet. He wasn't even the preferred RB....so that in itself isn't excellent. And again based on his paycheck vs performance....he didn't do much over that time.
  16. I know they need a body the first 2 weeks and having a vet with their youth DOES make some sense..... Expecting an old and unspectaclar RB to be something different than what he now is.....is a waste of energy. and I repeat, he isn't better than Fozzy and the NFL is FULL of those type RBs of you want to strictly talk on field talent. I said previously that isn't what is signing was about IMO I agree GMs know EVERYTHING and can't be questioned. I said signing to RBs to featured RB deals was a horribly dumb thing and would hurt us. GM still did it. So I guess Hurney was right.
  17. If you look at what he has done based on what his paycheck/cap says he should of done.....he hasn't done much.... And in the NFL not much else matters
  18. about fit....how is Williams the 2nd best option when he doesn't really fit well at anything there. Also the Steelers drafted Archer for a reason. I would expect more to come from him (was just a rookie) AND other RBs. Williams doesn't fit the power runner or change of pace role....so how will he be the default second best option? There are Fozzy type RBs all over this league and Williams ain't a better option than that
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