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Everything posted by CRA

  1. Well Cam is pretty blunt...he doesn't give a poo if you think or NFL history thinks a QB should act like a robot. He he isn't going to put on an "act". He is just going to be himself. Funniest part is overall people are against that. Prenteding to be someone he isn't for cameras is essentially what many argue would be the right thing....which frankly at the root of it is ridiculously. You should edit your post and make the distinction that YOU think a NFL QB should put on an act and pretend to fit textbook definition that was written years and years ago. you should read this http://www.slate.com/articles/sports/sports_nut/2016/01/cam_newton_of_the_carolina_panthers_has_stretched_the_sports_world_s_racial.html
  2. Nah, he will superman, dab, first down point and considering this is a postseason game at BOA he likely could fly in the Rockettes for a 8 minute celebration with a half intermission.....all over the Hawks on Sunday. Hell, he could of done the Barry Sanders and handed it to the ref every score this year....and that shtick would have grown old too considering how often he would have done it
  3. Like I said...when you say that, it is hard for anyone to take you seriously. Seriously. reality is still reality, Cam led his team to a 15-1 record....while scoring the most TDs in the NFL, being the best chain mover in the NFL, and leading the #1 scoring offense. Wilson had a very good year. His best individual performance. If it wasn't for other players it could of been an MVP caliber season. But the other guys exist.
  4. No doubt Wilson is good and the Hawks MVP but when you say that....it basically means nothing you say will be taken seriously.
  5. Best part is how they focus on them being different and ignore the part our offense turned into a machine as the season went in and went from good to a point scoring machine. Also so like the fact that they totally ignore the fact Seattle played a bunch of arena league QBs to make their run and that any upper tier QB has had there way with them expect for that one weird AZ game
  6. Can't really define Stewart by looking at his ypc. He was critical in the win earlier in the year. 3-4 steady yards is crucial. Jeremy Lane has been shutdown....but you have to keep in mind the horrific QBs that Seattle has played. Your prior CB would have shown better QB play as well if he had stayed for that stretch by default of who those QBs were. you don't have to be impressed with our WRs....but you gotta see how that comment is a little funny coming from Seattle fans. I mean, Ginn and company of late have been about as impressive as the Seattle corps of late.....and we of course have Olsen
  7. I don't think they are as good as prior season which is why I pointed out the consistent issues that have shown on their D all year....and did last week. but they are still good. They also by default force us into a certain attack on offense.
  8. Well, Seattle D is about as good as it gets so some of the mismatches we will look for have more to do with us than you....but we have struggled doing that as effectively vs Seattle. Another aspect will be interesting to see how much of it was Quinn. Right now, an argument could be made he may have been a bigger key than some admit to. Cam is a mismatch in general so as always, we will rely on the mismatches he simply presents to every single opposing D. I think there is a realistic argument he is the biggest matchup issue in the NFL by virtue of his ability and the fact Carolina/Cam show no fear in deploying him. The obvious in terms of Seattle has been the consistent issues that have popped up all season long with teams making more key plays with the TE in years past. I know after the last meeting Hawks tried to downplay it as a simple blown coverage but I would argue it was a blown coverage b/c they often have struggled with that position. Saw it last week in crunch time. 2 plays to the TE late set up the Vikings to win. The TE in Carolina is probably the focal point of our O in many aspects. as far as when we are on defense...every Seattle game IMO our defense has had huge opportunities. We have failed. But they are always there. Sometimes it gets refered to as Wilson being lucky....but really it is Carolina failing to capitalize when they force Seattle into plays that should be a negative that for whatever reason we simply don't finish on. For whatever reason often some plays that we should be able to really hurt Seattle on have resulted in huge plays for them. I think Seattle probably feels the same way in that they can get Cam to make a mistake and historically they capitalize. I would say this season has been different in that Carolina has capitalized on those plays probably more so than any team in the NFL....and our turnover ratio should make that pretty apparent. Seattle was forced by RB injuries to shift what they do but overall I think both matchup well and are a tough out for each other. Games usually come down to a handful of obvious plays that determine them. I expect another tough game. I think Carolina comes into this one at different confidence level than any other meeting...and they should. People won't say it, but I think on the flip side Seattle might have legit reasons to have a little more doubt than prior meetings as well.
  9. Hendrix was born there....looked around, and left
  10. Seattle definatelty gets credit for 90s grunge. That's it.
  11. well, it seems you guys are focused on the past and not the present. Present day is the 2015-2016 season. One in which Carolina has beaten Seattle head to head and been the overall better team. I mean does a game years ago against rookie Cam, Steve Smith, different coaches, etc mean much today? Old belts are in your house. Ain't no one worried about those... Seattle this year has flaws prior teams didn't. Also hard to deny this MVP Cam caliber team is different too. Should be an epic game
  12. You are welcome to share your thoughts and opinions. They do can be pro-Seattle thoughts. But you can do that in a semi- adult manner. Those rules apply to Panther fans and most definately apply to guests who visit the site for a week and fail to return after their team loses. Let's calm it down with the insults please.
  13. Well, we could of lost more games like Seattle did....and then as a by product more of our opponents could of had winning records.
  14. lol...Bleacher Report. Counter to the statements. 1. Seattle is 0-1 since the departure of Dan Quinn. Quinn has stopped Cam in Seattle and with Atlanta. Seattle without him hasn't beaten Cam and now has weaknesses in their armor that have shown all season. LOB never had that with Quinn,mono weakness ...which is why they could and did adopt the LOB nickname. With the way they consistently been beaten late in games I am not sure how they keep the LOB tag. 2. Carolina went 15-1, by that sheer fact it impacts the the potential of opponents that could have winning records. If they would have lost there games then 7 teams they played would have had winning records. Fuzzy logic. 3. Yes, Seattle was missing players and had injured guys. So? It is the NFL. We have played games without Kelvin, Luke Kuechly, Kalil, Stewart, Tillman, Bene, Ginn, Cotchery, Etc.....and went 15-1. 4. Again, Irvin has sacked Cam but living in the Dan Quinn era is sad. also, Cam flat out takes sack. Part of how he has to play to make his plays. 5. Yes, Carey Williams is gone.....yet last Sunday in the 4th Q the Vikings marched down the field and exposed the same issue that has plagued Seattle since the start of the season. 6. Yes, Carolina is down two CBs that played last game. So? See #3. No excuses. 7. Correct, Carolina didn't force a turnover vs. Seattle and that was the only game they failed to do so. They still won. On the road. What was the point you were making? 8. Okay, and again, Carolina still won. They still won and that was before Cam started rolling. 9. again, we still we still won. I mean the the author keeps thinking that suggesting we beat Seattle yet didn't do X means something. Seattle would needed to of won that game for this points to hold weight. 10. And one again, Seattle lost. So again, all the "points" are made as if Seattle actually won. Since they didn't....they aren't points. It just throws Seattle into the mix of literally every single opponent....we beat them all ( we had a loss, but still beat them) in 2015 Carolina has shown to be the better team. Doesn't mean they win this weekend. They have to remain that and no reason to think they won't
  15. No, he is taking credit b/c he almost blocked a different kick. You know what every team almost does in almost every game
  16. Yes. Seattle flat out got lucky to advance. Simple and plain. It happens in sport.....if you can't acknowledge that then you can't talk sports. PI is PI....and it came on the one thing that has hurt Seattle all year when they have lost. Trying to cover a TE. They went right back to it and he made another play on Kam. It is called a weakness of Seattles. Then the Vikings missed a chip shot 99% made gimme. Seattles two best plays were a missed 99% made chip shot by Minny and a botched snap that went back 10 yards and Seattle needed the breakdown of a botched play to help them actually go score. You got as lucky as lucky can get. You aren't the first and won't be the last to win a game you shouldn't have.
  17. Here is what Seattle fans think 101. hey, Seahawks D is so much better now! LOB BABY!! (Ignores the fact they got abused by a TE last weekend in the 4th to put the game away. Basically as recently as a week ago showed they are what they have been all year. Ignores the fact they played a bunch of arena league caliber QBs to improve their stat sheet) hey, Panthers are worse!!!! (Ignores the fact Cam was playing just okay early on in the season when we played and beat them. Then Cam went utterly insane and became the MVP QB. Which is who they will face now)
  18. You boasted your D is now better and things will be much different for Cam IF you come to our house. IMO, little supports that and brought up your schedule. I think Cam will be the 2016 Cam IF you come to Charlotte. Nothing about our schedule suggests otherwise. Difference would be our D vs your O in a rematch. You can talk about that. That is a legit conversation. That would be where your focus should be.
  19. Okay, AZ still put up 30 on you. So did Pitt. so since Carolina you have done what on D? You can hang your hat on the last AZ game if you want. Bc outside of that the Seattle D got better only bc they didnt have to deal with offenses....and cashed on joke offenses
  20. Palmer put up 39 pts on that D in Seattle. Then they get to play Jimmy Clausen, the Browns, Forest Gump maybe....and it makes it look like they are tough on D statistically. Good teams have scored on Seattle, bad teams haven't. Simple as that. So nothing suggest Seattle is going on the road and shutting down the highest scoring O in the NFL. (Unless it is a week 17 game where teams have shut it down themselves)
  21. Btw....since that game you played SF, SF, Minn, Baltimore, Cowboys, Clev and St. Louis. So that means little in this conversation. you have 3 other games...and you gave up 30 to both AZ and Pitt. so that means you have 1 game since Carolina defensively worth talking about. Last week. And last week it looked AZ mailed it in so....why shouldn't we expect Cam to make plays again?
  22. Ok.....and Cam is playing much better football now and won't be on the road. And your D should get better on a stretch against the 49er, Cowboy, 49er, Viking, Raven, Brown, Ram offenses.... I mean you literally improved when you played the worst of the worst. Then you split with the Cards and beat Pitt (giving up 30 in 2 of the 3) So you played 2 teams and basically ever other team was a collection of the worst offenses the NFL has to offer. Any teams D should see a nice surge down that stretch
  23. Pretty sure Dan Quinn has a great record vs Cam. Worth noting Dan Quinn gave Carolina their 1 loss this year. new guy? Pretty sure Cam ain't been stopped by the new DC in Seattle. Pretty sure new guy had a very hard time with Cam (what did Cam have, 4 80 yard TD drives in Seattle? And Cam has upped his play since then) but if you want to talk about Dan Quinn? I mean, we can but his Falcons are out of it
  24. Um, is this thread a response to a Seahawk forum thread....where you guys are bashing Cam as inferior to Mr. Nanobubbles? As as for post about wins. Yes. The Seahawks team has more wins than Carolina. They were a better team. But I guess this is the part where you claim a team with a historical D and a team that passed less than any other....should give most of the credit to Wilson?
  25. I didn't say it would be stopped. I said brought down to Earth some. I mean you can look at the last 2 and half years of games prior to week 9.....and it simply is irrelevant. Seattle is doing something new. New always takes an adjustment period. Doesn't mean you can solve it but you can play it better. That is just football. Really irrelevant to what it is but when a team makes a drastic change that works it takes awhile for others to adjust teams got better at stopping the read option once there was more tape on it. Doesn't mean you can stop it simply bc you are a little better at defending it.
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