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Everything posted by CRA

  1. daily death projections for SC and NC don't really look promising. SC shows a steady rise going to Oct 1 and NC really has more of a plateau going w/ a rise near Oct.
  2. well, I am pro vaccine. but if one is ready before this winter it would be put out too quickly for me to line up to get one.
  3. I wouldn't rush to get in line to take a vaccine that was ready by Oct/Nov.
  4. SC numbers trending up. and we haven't had time for the reopening and other activity to be impacting some of those yet.
  5. We averaged more than 6 per day last week. I know the record in a day was set last week at 20. Had another at 13. That was just 2 days.
  6. COVID19 is real. It kills people. All over the world. It also is new. If COVID would have been a massively lethal virus? We would all be dead. Because COVID highlighted just how horrific we handle actual pandemics in 2020.
  7. Well, that can go two ways... 1. We can handle it more seriously upfront next time. 2. It actually could have the opposite approach. We do less wanting to avoid the economic problems we are facing. This could be the problem if it largely is treated as a political crisis again instead of a healthcare crisis. Which is in part the essential problem we faced with COVID and what got us into this problem. No one side of the aisle exclusively owns that. Sadly, in America, we often repeat our mistakes.
  8. hopefully when this is all over....we have a better prepared approach for the next pandemic. We didn't have to be in the position we currently are in. and there will be more. We frankly are lucky COVID isn't more lethal. I mean imagine if the next one has a SARS mortality rate and spreads like COVID. The American superpower would be screwed based on how poorly we handled this. Maybe while we are over in S. Korea (our ally) teaching them about nukes and military drills.....we take some notes from them on how to address a pandemic properly.
  9. Spanish Flu's 2nd and 3rd waves were the deadly ones. Which is the scary part. 2nd wave really hit after that summer. I guess one good thing is scientist, at least at this point, don't believe COVID mutates like some others have. I think it was really a mutated 2nd wave of the Spanish Flu that really did the damage.
  10. We have 82,000 COVID deaths in a little over 2 months. We have no clue what the actual COVID death toll will be. Second wave easily could be worse than this one (and we aren't through the first wave). You can do the math of 1% of 23.5 but there is no actual number to compare it to. Can compare it to projections. But projections evolve as the COVID problem evolves. Not sure I have seen a lot of projections that really take us past August. Those generally seem to be in the 180k range. But we still have the additional fall/winter to factor into those 2020 numbers. And I don't think they can project that window right now.
  11. Following the SARS outbreak in 2003, researchers produced a vaccine that made it to phase one human trials, which test the safety of a new drug. But the effort never progressed further, mainly due to shifting research priorities as the outbreak came to an end, says Dr. Anthony Fauci, the longtime and current director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). https://time.com/5768956/wuhan-coronavirus-vaccine-treatment/
  12. didn’t claim coronavirus was due to global warming. Merely said in the future we are likely to see old virus because of global warming return.
  13. This is in its infancy and already has impacted us and the globe in ways the other viruses didn’t. Not even close. We aren’t even at the half way mark. Not even close.
  14. We are of similar age. I think this will exceed it. I mean it is apples and oranges....but the impact at home to average people is greater (even at its infancy) and I think it eventually takes down hundreds of thousands. Maybe more.
  15. I mean, I’m not saying we won’t adapt and deal with it all. But it is one do many examples of why global warming matters. Likely risking folks to new/old disease out of greed and laziness
  16. Lot of science is just...theories. Much easier to aggressively attack something that evolved (but was known by us)....than a completely new strain from the past.
  17. lot of scientist suggest global warming will be the cause of the future virus problems we face. Things being unlocked that haven't been seen in thousands of years that today's man won't react kindly too.
  18. People with other underlying health risks outside of just chronic respiratory issues also should be included. Per the experts.
  19. Alexander doesn't have the size we like.... but he is going to be a beast
  20. Cunningham was awesome. He wasn't built like Cam nor played like him though.
  21. I do know? I thought I didn't know. Okay. you are fan of a team Carolina smacked twice. Now you are here showing that you really hope Carolina loses... Which is fine, don't see why you are trying to use smoke and mirrors and bs as if it is something different... it isn't as complicated as you wish to make it.
  22. I know what you are doing. I was only curious about the Ricky Prohel choice b/c it seemed like an odd choice. Figured maybe you were a fan of his since you probably had to go searching to find it.
  23. Ah, see....often times "we" is used in casual conversation in regards to sports. Really is nothing more than being lazy with the English language. I am claiming no such thing. Lazy with language? Sure. Used we instead of they on a MB. but again, that right there shows your bitterness at this moment in the NFL season. Trolling 101, bruh. Issue is you think your troll kung fu is strong. I don't think you need to pick a team. You have a team. That team resides in the NFC. You have been very clear to stay away from that b/c if you acknowledged what NFL team you root for....well....we know why you haven't.. I get it. We beat your team twice. The Cam stuff probably really gets your goat too, huh. Just gotta accept it and move on. I mean this indifferent claim is cute though...
  24. Huh? Don't know what you are talking about. Like I said, I get what you are attempting to do. It just comes off as a bitter fan whose team got sent packing....and since you are annoyed with all the Panther talk nationally (you come here to try to rain on people's parade for your kicks). I can answer direct questions though. Nothing will change. Carolina will win. I'll enjoy it. Like the Ricky Prohel pic, you a fan of his?
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