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Everything posted by CRA

  1. I'm a big believer in team and fit for much of the draft. Lot of guys that don't have long careers likely could of they landed at the right spots/opportunities. Same goes for the opposite of that. Take a Tom Brady. And unathletic dude like him lands on a different team. Bad OL. Weak coaching. He probably never has a HOF career. Might not even know his name. Brady wasn't always Brady. He developed in NE in a good team and system. One where he could develop as the team leaned on the D and rush attack. I mean there are just freaks who will always be freaks. A Julius Peppers. A Megatron. Where they will simply be studs no matter what.
  2. I always assumed IplayedCamInMadden was Marty Hurney.
  3. for those that were interested in kicking the tires
  4. well congrats. you just ruined everything for me. I certainly can't have a vintage Watson jersey that isn't actually vintage now can I. order has been put on hold.
  5. best offer? well, I'd prefer to my offer be 21 1st, 22 1st, and CMC. But yeah, the Texans already traded away one of the best WRs in the game for a RB. And were laughed at for such a horrific move. So, while I think MOST Watson loves are okay with the 1st, 1st, CMC offer.....I think the best offer actually would be the following: 1st, 1st, Burns or Brown. Would the folks okay w/ 1st, 1st, CMC be okay with that? Not sure. Not sure I would. I think CMC is really the end of where I will go.
  6. So do folks think that is gonna be Agatha Harkness? Or just intentional misdirection? Lot of talk about the neighbor and that her unseen husband will be something big when and if shown.
  7. CRA


    well, I said he wasn't a good HC. Ron isn't. Ron has a very long record in the NFL with defenses though. I mean I get the Ron hate. I just think it is unfair to claim McD carried a dude with the defensive resume Ron has. We had a top 10 defense the first year McD was in Buffalo. Finished as the #7 D. Then our talent upfront started to become an issue IMO. We lost Star. Which was massive. We began over relying on a near 40 year old Peppers. I mean the lack of talent upfront is why we recently have been spending high picks on the likes of Burns, Brown, Gross-Matos up front.
  8. I don't understand. I got more important things to do than figure out fancy riddles. Like...what color my custom #4 Watson jersey should be. Never had a blue one before.
  9. CRA


    I don't think Ron Rivera is a great HC. I'm a big fan of McD. But Ron Rivera's track record on defense is pretty dang rock solid. If a Ron Rivera defense sucks you can pretty much bet you simply have a talent issue that you need to fix. You can't scheme around everything in the NFL. Especially over the course of a season. You will get exploited. I like McD. But I think it is unfair to say he is the only reason the D was good.
  10. feeling pretty good about going ahead and ordering my custom #4 Watson jersey. Why wait.
  11. not letting me share the tweet for some reason but there are tweets about the Panther staff working w/ Jones at the Senior Bowl. could be a good or bad things. Panther staff will get a lot of time w/ Mac.
  12. yeah, I'll basically be happy with anything.....pending the plan is something other than Teddy.
  13. I'll add one more note. I think he clear protocol and plays. But that toe/foot? I think that is going to be a problem for him. Limit him. Saw last season that Mahomes on a bad wheel while good.....isn't the same feared dude.
  14. yes. He plays. Stage was already being set by KC folks after the game. That it was more of a choke out issue than a concussion.
  15. what would I be willing for us to give up to get Watson?
  16. CRA


    Marvel simply nailed the blockbuster family fun superhero movie. And they absolutely nailed the big picture universe storytelling.... I had high hopes for WW84. She was the best part of Batman vs Superman and thought the first WW was decent. But it was horrible. Storytelling was bad. Ending was weak. The SNL girl casting bothered me from the jump and her evolution at the end was horrible.
  17. CRA


    Terrible. Outside of the Dark Knight trilogy DC comic movies in the "Marvel era" are just horrific. Maybe it is because they get judged against Marvel. But they just are always disappointing.
  18. why sensor the doctor who was engaged in political activity that gives advice that runs counter to our own government's advice and that of the scientific community as whole? The doctor that also believes in demon sex being the root cause of illnesses, alien DNA being used to treat patients, witchcraft being used to control children, that the government is run in part by reptile people, warns of the dangerous of homosexual terrorism, and on and on.... I mean we are in a once in a century worldwide pandemic (that is doing a number on us specifically)......you really got a problem with big tech limiting the reach of quack clowns through their services in this environment?
  19. The WHO had a perfectly working COVID test ready for US (and WE fund WHO).....that we declined. We made a faulty one that didn't work. Then had to go back and make one that worked. But us weeks behind. But....I guess it didn't matter as we never were actually trying to get on top of it in reality. Still aren't. Leadership has largely given up and largely adopted the fug it approach. Take it on the chin until there is cure approach. WHO didn't handle things perfectly. You aren't going to find that with a global pandemic. But what you shouldn't find is America still tripping all over there dang feet this far into it. America deserves a lot more criticism than the WHO at this stage. That isn't painting WHO as perfect in this. But America rightfully should be called out.
  20. well, we aren't openly sharing with the world. I mean we are in a global pandemic. Handling it poorly. And we just withdrew from the World Health Org.
  21. this. yes, we are testing more than other countries. In part for 2 reasons, we have more people than most countries and the virus is out of control here. but we could test less. We could make testing only available for the very sick. We could NOT lead the world in COVID cases BUT...we would still lead the world in COVID deaths as we currently do. Only with less testing, we would have even more deaths. Because it would spread even more than it currently is with our bad testing. We still don't have good testing. We have a lot of testing. We have quantity. Never figured out the quality aspect.
  22. Life changes fast. Chuck Woolery (old school game show host) Last week: A big fat HOAX! This week: Pray for us. It is real. My son got it. Deleted his account.
  23. SC have to submit there plans by Friday. and today in SC, MONTHS into this pandemic ....we have continued to set new records everyday. Another new high in hospitalizations. Every day is a new record in that department. Deaths. Cases. Hospitalization. Currently all at the the worst levels of the pandemic....and still trending up. Don’t care what political party you support. Locally and nationally our leadership has comically failed us. Might be a broken record but it is remains mindboggling how poorly this has been managed.
  24. Thinking about doing some investing with a large amount of cash I have in savings....guess I’ll drive through the Walmart parking lot and look for investment advice written into the dirt on unwashed cars.
  25. Diabetes. Probably had some others as well. I mean high blood pressure qualifies as an underlying condition. How many folks over 50 have high blood pressure
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