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Everything posted by CRA

  1. you can find exceptions to every rule....can't deny the NFL Diva WR mentality has changed. Likely has something to do with the passing league and offenses not ideally running through 1-2 players like it did
  2. I'm sure they, like most teams, are just itching to rid themselves of their young dynamic playmakers
  3. WR position has changed. 89 is one of the past still playing that overlapped careers into the headache/diva era. 89 entered in a different game. Teams catered to TO, Moss, Johnson, 89, etc. Never hear a peep from AJ, Julio, Megatron, and all the young present day studs
  4. no he doesn't. Not this version. Now he is a good WR that brings all his headaches. His headaches impact things. Some one argue the emotional attached to what he was skews what people think he brings now...and those selective ignore all the reasons he was released (non of which involve the ability to catch balls )
  5. Maybe ....maybe he is the type that unloads on Funchess in the 3rd q and throws fits about why he isn't getting the ball forced to him instead. Maybe instead of going back to the open man in Funchess that ultimately drives us down to win we turn it over to stop his rage. 89 changes the dynamics, leadership, etc. Which is why he left. People only see his catches right now. You don't just insert a bet to catch open balls when it comes to 89
  6. since it doesn't look DG is going anywhere....I don't see 89 doing a ceremonial one day deal with him
  7. Okay, let's stick with the Michael Jackson analogy. If Jackson was coming to perform at your kids birthday party....don't get all super defensive when someone mentions all his weird freak behavior and allegations of criminal behavior. Yeah, we all get his performance of Thriller would have been on point at the party. Gotta talk about the other stuff though and if it worth all the other parents cancelling, calling your wife to complain, etc b/c of who you wanted to perform at the party. That ain't hating on him as a performer. 89 was awesome WR. At his age, he is still a dang good one. More to 89 at this point than just that....and talking about all this other baggage doesn't have much to do with his ability to catch.
  8. if we were 1-5 our WRs would have more yards than they do. It is gonna help his yardage from a career perspective this year that Baltimore sucks, plays from behind, and only has him to throw to. much props to him playing w/ his injury. That is vintage 89.
  9. there was absolutely nothing in my post dismissing what he did in his career here. The time came for him to leave....and it is working out fine for us. Easily can argue it has worked out better for us than 89 at this point. Carolina will relevant both years has 89 has been gone....
  10. media is so hypocritical... 89 punches dudes in the face, explodes on people on the sidelines, goes loco on the field over anything that provides the opportunity. Media selectively refers to 89 and calls it the type fire you want. I mean imagine if 89 pulled what Greg Hardy just did on the sideline. Media would say...."well, Steve Smith gets it. He is tired of the lack of everyone and he is gonna let everyone now. Coaches? Yes, you aren't too good either". Steve Smith was NOT let go b/c we didn't think he could still play. Period. Since his departure we are 13-8-1. Currently undefeated at 6-0. I think we got it right.
  11. 89 was very specific about Baltimore when he went their......2 he flight from home, they encouraged his style of play and were a respected organization. No one else meets his criteria. Atlanta is the only close one and his style doesn't seem to mesh with them. So that makes is Baltimore or no one....
  12. media creates topics...makes people address them. Think about how many articles or opposing fans have knocked Cam based on what he has said. Cam doesn't just randomly share things. He responds to questions and then media writes about what they dictated he talk about. 89 is about to retire and Ravens suck. Media made Ozzie address something he likely had no intention of publically
  13. Zod's Huddle bump took awhile last week to kick in but apparently it took effect late in the 4th q. Huddle bumps don't just last a quarter so obviously Funchess scores his first NFL TD
  14. in all seriousness... Odds of 89 coming back here in a trade are about as good as skinny Jordan Gross coming out of retirement to take over Kelvin's spot.
  15. Ozzie has said he isn't dealing 89 89 hates our FO Our FO believed to get better meant 89 leaving ....why is this a thread?
  16. are you familiar with teens or the internet? I think it is a big reach to assume this is some elaborate plan orchestrated by Steve Smith to be acquired by the man he probably dislikes more than anyone in the NFL... 89 by all accounts appears to be a very hands on dad.....and now dad for the first time is states away. Sure it gets old for his son this new window of his dad's career. 89 spits hot fire when it comes to Carolina. Neither party IMO is interested. Heck, I'm sure 89's wife would love it too. Doesn't mean Steve would want to come back to Dave and this FO.
  17. 89 is in Baltimore and his son is in Charlotte. Kids miss parents. 89? Gettlemen would likely have to get on his hands and knees and beg on camera for 89 to return. 89 is crazy. He just ain't gonna turn off his Gettlemen rage like that. 89 era is over. Cam offense now. 89 is a complicated puzzle piece
  18. Oh now I do agree media has unfairly propped up just about every young QB in the NFL.....and tried to push Newton down. Wilson, Kapernick, Luck, RGIII....media all jumped quick to put these guys in the highest tier arguable at any success. Newton has always been the redheaded step child of young NFL QBs.....him and the actual red head in Cincy. I personally think Cam, Luck and Dalton are better overall QBs than Wilson. Wilson has been hidden in that offense and is the worst of the 4 (Cam, Luck, Dalton, Wilson) playing in the pocket.
  19. I'm not big on completion %. Offense and what QBs are asked greatly influence what a good % should be for any given player. Neither Newton or Luck play the pitch and YAC game some fancy completion % QBs have. Luck has is flaws and you can clearly see he is hurt now. But healthy, I got him and Cam in the same tier.
  20. Every down in the NFL is a passing down against some teams. Harper....Carolina gonna likely gonna wait until he goes full Martin/Hakamura before they do it. Not sure why. Tried to get people on my Harper soapbox this preseason. Hasn't been an issue b/c so many teams have struggled w/ the forward pass. Any team that can pass is gonna be looking at that matchup.
  21. he is trying to play through a shoulder injury. that is like watching Cam last year and calling him slow and overhyped as a great runner. Luck can play lights out. He still throws a couple of balls every game he shouldn't.....but his health is holding him back this year.
  22. if you haven't watched Bill Burr's standup in Philly on youtube. Google it, watch it, thank me later.
  23. Luck is playing with a bum throwing shoulder behind iffy OL play. Kinda a similar type thing as Cam playing w/ bad foot, busted ribs early last season....Luck is legit when healthy. Has his own flaws but definitely a legit top young QB.
  24. Bradford will be like the 3rd or 4th best QB we have faced this year... This ain't the Giants. Eagle offense plays like they did on Monday they have no shot.
  25. Jordan Matthews seems to be the matchup we have to win IMO. We should be able to contain there rush....can't let Mathews have a game. Think he had a big day last year too good of write up as usual
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