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Everything posted by CRA

  1. my biggest fear. We don't make a move for Watson/Stafford. Then, and some mocks show it, Trevor, Fields, Wilson and Lance all go before #8. Matt Rhule drafts Mac at #8 after getting to know him at the Senior Bowl so well.
  2. the cost to trade up to #2 is crazy though. Going off the "chart" at least. Our entire 2021 draft wouldn't even be enough to move up to #2 from #8.
  3. he was coaching in the NFL....when the new Lions HC was still playing in the NFL. man, the Lions suck. Always good to know the Panthers will never be the worst.
  4. If only Bienemy could of laid out a detailed plan. Organizations like detailed, OCD, analytical type guys. we’re going to kick you in the teeth, all right, and when you punch us back, we’re going to smile at you and when you knock us down, we’re going to get up, and on the way up, we’re going to bite a knee cap off. And we’re going to stand up and then it’s going to take two more shots to knock us down. And on the way up, we’re going to take your other kneecap, and we’re going to get up and then it’s going to take three shots to get us down. And when we do, we’re going to take another hunk out of you. Before long, we’re going to be the last one standing. That’s going to be the mentality.”
  5. I largely use cloth masks when not at work. I don't really go anywhere though. Grocery store, pharmacy, Lowes. That's about it. At work I use the one and done surgical style since they supply them. n95 are hard to find. I might upgrade to kn95. I see a lot of them. Think Fauci was talking about it today too. Or someone in government was talking about needing to double up/upgrade. I do think there is this weird window where people don't realize we are currently in the worst window of this entire mess right now. Lot of people got their guard down with vaccine's hitting arms and given the general fatigue setting in. The amount of people I know that have it or have had it since Nov/Dec is bonkers.
  6. I'm about to buy some Blockbuster stock! Come on huddle. Let's get real crazy!! but in all seriousness, watch how fast the government can make moves when they actually care about something.
  7. lol. GameStop. Nokia. AMC. Reddit just exposing what a sham it all is
  8. I specifically said we had better skill position players surrounding the QB than the teams you listed (now your adding Pitt and SF) You never named one equipped with better skill position guys of the 4. Thinking Tom Brady wins more games in Carolina than Teddy isn’t being a Panther homer. We were in every game late....with a bad QB and no CMC. QB driven league. It matters. and I’m not buying into this silly narrative that is proven false every year ....that it takes years to contend. You can become a contender or fall off the map overnight in today’s NFL in most scenarios.
  9. Yeah, we won 5 games....because we didn’t have a decent QB. QB league. you think we win 5 games if you flip flop Teddy and Tom Brady this season? We are in the playoffs.
  10. We got better skill position players surrounding the QB than all 4 of those teams. All depends what you are looking for.
  11. We weren’t very close heading into the 2003 season or the 2015 season. No one we calling that. this mantra of we are way off still doesn’t fly. We are missing QB play. You get that and you can bandaid the holes on D. Tampa went out and bought the best roster. The rest of the NFC? They all got issues on their rosters too.
  12. Ok. Do the pitch of a team we are competing with. Outside of SF and Pitt...we got a decent offer and I don’t know how thirsty they really are for a QB.
  13. He is from the south. College ball at GA. The Carolinas are nicer than Detroit. No snow. Cost of living is good. and we had 3 WRs go over 1000 total yards last year...and CMC. No team will offer a better set of skill position players. that’s the pitch.
  14. That Favre game is the only other game that can be talked about on the level of that week 1 Bronco rematch. Favre was abused.
  15. LOL. Can people not take a joke? We have been joking about sports and games being rigged for a long time. It’s called a joke. Geez. of course, as the old saying goes....there is grain of truth to every joke. poo rigged as hell! Brady winning.
  16. Not sure why JJ picked 2000. Just saw it and shared.
  17. That 2015 Bronco team probably had zero penalties. Vince McMahon probably erased the Talib face mask from the history books of the WWF.
  18. I don't see it. But Watson is my favorite all time QB that I have followed...so I admittedly probably wouldn't allow/see a comparison even if there was one. Watson always had a magic to him you couldn't put your finger on.
  19. Cousins, Favre, Palmer, Vick all took other teams to the playoffs though. And again, they all represent recent history.
  20. as I said, league is changing. You got to factor that in and it makes a comparisons to different eras irrelevant IMO. QBs play longer. Teams don't take as long to develop and play drafted guys. That is going to create new scenarios that simply didn't exist in years past. Look at other sports, how many teams did Jordan, Bird, Magic, etc win titles with. Superstars essentially got married to a city and build their legacy there. Players don't care about that anymore. Lebron gonna win titles with how many different teams? In the past, players went to other teams because franchises were ready to move on. Going forward we are going to see superstar players dictating they are the ones ready to move on. We are seeing that in numerous sports.
  21. yeah, I don't like the Cam comparison. Cam was a uniquely dominant runner the likes of which the league had never experienced. and Cam in large part despite what the critics said in college and the pros.....didn't scramble that much. He didn't want to leave the pocket. His coaches called run plays a lot and he ran when they did.
  22. one more thought to add to this... another reason I think it will start to skew more to a 2020 Tom Brady is that because of rule changes and how long QBs can play because of it and other factors. So Brady goes to Tampa. Peyton goes to Denver. Rivers goes to Indy. I think more and more big names that would have retired with a team earlier years ago... play for other teams going forward.
  23. probably would be better to remove Tom Brady entirely and then lay out your evidence discussing only recent history. Not sure going back to the early 90s holds much weight. Too much different back then. Brady is a football anomaly that skews and distorts so much. Not just the NFL, but we are entering a new era of professional sports. Superstar athletes behave different and view things differently now. So I would imagine things to some extent will skew more to what 2020 Tom Brady represents than the Patriot Brady you noted going forward. In 1990, a QB wouldn't be doing what Watson is doing currently. Could argue the Lions wouldn't be doing what they are doing now either as teams built themselves differently and developed QBs slower.
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