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Everything posted by CRA

  1. if Matt Rhule stays....Nixon and Snow stay. Matt Rhule isnt' firing Snow (who has made all his success) or his best friend. Everyone under the bus at this point going forward are players.....as these coaches boldly lie about what your eyes have witnessed all season. Excellent passing game early this season. Close to contending. The repeated narrative that Nixon is dialing up guaranteed first downs or touchdowns if players just did their jobs. Clowns. And that's how they view us. Becauase they are trying to sell that nonense to us.
  2. College is recruiting and culture. NFL is about X and Os and talent at the right spots
  3. Robby is a 400 yard WR with a year of tape on this O. Rhule also had advantages built into the 2020 season thanks to covid. We only talk about the disadvantages everyone faced. The entire league was blind to everything about this team. Offense. Defense. That’s an edge. Baylor was a great program that got punished. And went right back to being what they were in the Big12. Rhule gets way too much credit for that IMO.
  4. The whole getting a jump thing is a tad overblown IMO. Because you are largely getting a jump on college guys, the unemployed who have long been out there and guys employed by bad NFL teams. Tepper got a jump on being able to go after Matt Rhule. Firing Matt Rhule in season doesn’t give him a jump on going after the crop of guys coaching for good NFL playoff teams.
  5. I can. But it is rare and you have to go back before the valuations started exploding. Bob Johnson and that trainwreck are an example. And now Jordan would make massive profit. But the professional sports game is good business for the overwhelming majority. Especially recently. Which is why Tepper has diversified out to it.
  6. Rex is one of those guys that is a great NFL coordinator. Meh, HC. A lot of those types. Some luck into QBs and some don't.
  7. Charlotte might not support it great. But basically pick any bad professional team in existence....and look at their valuation 10 years ago vs today. That's all I am saying. In 10 years the Jags went from like 700 mill to 2.2 billion.
  8. Well, offset clauses are pretty normal and standard for NFL HC contracts. You generally hear about the ones that don’t contain it. But it is true they don’t all have them. There are exceptions like with everything. If David Tepper gave a freaking college coach with a weak resume a big deal without one??! Well, he is an idiot. And we doomed with a poo owner.
  9. Ron is a respected NFL guy and good dude. Offset clause. Unless Rhule retires for 5 years….you aren’t actually paying him all that money and he ain’t running off with it. you just pay the difference in salary.
  10. I mean, Joe Brady is the only other guy that was getting NFL HC interviews. He likely would have been the dude. and Matt Rhule sure didn’t do anything different once Joe Brady left
  11. lol took a fictional team 3 seconds to see Rhule’s bullshit and fire him
  12. Quinn needs to watch Scarface a couple more times to get that quote right.
  13. high draft pick in 2022 cheap tickets on stubhub for Panther home games
  14. I met Tepper once. So we basically are best friends by my defintion of best friends.
  15. Ok. You are right. The billionaire no longer cares about making money first and foremost. He bought the team strictly so he could prioritize your team winning a Super Bowl above all. A community he has no ties to. And he is just lighting 2+ billion of his 15 billion networth on fire for fun....because apparently that is what 60 year old billionaires do.
  16. I'm only cool with a QB at #6 if our HC isn't named Rhule. If Matt Rhule is the HC, we can't draft a QB at 6.
  17. agree to disagree. These are investments. It's what Tepper does. It's all he really is respected for. MLS won't be a massive loser. The increase in valuation of professional sports teams has been insane over just a very short period of time. Which is why Tepper parked his money in the Panthers....and it ups his status among his peers.
  18. two professional sports franchises would impact his networth. Where he is ranked and viewed vs his peers.
  19. That Robby Anderson deal IMO is up there with some of the worst Hurney ever made
  20. A 2023 Panther first round pick is not something I am would be willing to part with. GM can’t do that and keep Rhule. It’s giving away a top 10 pick.
  21. I’d prefer to draft the best lineman possible at 6 and keep Moore. you actually can trade coaches. I’d prefer that route. Raiders sent Gruden to Tampa for 2 firsts. So, I propose we offer up Matt Rhule for a 7th, a 12 pack of White Claws and couple scratch offs.
  22. I have zero interest in watching our GM trade down all of the 2022 draft simply because he traded away our 22 draft picks.
  23. Everyone wanted PJ Walker. Matt Rhule already told us that.
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