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Everything posted by CRA

  1. it's 1000% working. You just can't see it. They need to trash the Jay-Z model and adopt the John Cena mantra.
  2. There was article simply saying he was warming to the idea of having to play Sam. Something that got pushed into the media as they are still clearly negotiating w/ Cleveland. Who wants Baker and who doesn't then? Because all the reporting says it is a divide house at the top. It only makes sense it's Rhule that wants Baker (Baker increases the odds to win in 2022).....and Rhule's job is the most depedent on wins in 2022 vs Fitt.
  3. Baker doesn’t suck like Sam. Baker probably gets us to like 7-10. Maybe 8-9. And then what do you do. Extend Baker and not draft a QB? Anyone trust what this group will do if Baker gets them to 7 or 8 wins?
  4. all depends what we get him for. - straight up Darnold swap? Well that would be a good thing. - trade a bunch of draft picks for him and we keep Darnold? Well, we can quit with this Fitt might be good narrative. Because that would be horrible. And more icing on the cake that building isn’t something these guys have a clue about.
  5. Statistically, he hasn’t been a better a QB when protection holds up. I keep going back to the Simms breakdown last year. Sam just messes plays up. Protection can be there. Playcall is there. Sam is late on the read and fugs the play up. He just doesn’t have it between the ears. As soon as he isn’t asked to check down to first read, bad Sam is inevitable.
  6. Are you comparing a botched nearly billion dollar construction project….with the firing of a coach midseason (in the teams first year of existence) that was pushing for a playoff spot? I don’t view those as comparable. That’s my reasoning. Tepper can fire a coach. He did. He simply opted not to share why. It’s was out of the blue and the team was performing well. Seems like a perfectly reasonable thing to give a snarky comment to. Especially after the firing where they had and press conference to address the firing and refused to answer a single question lol. Tepper Sports doesn’t seem to be a smooth running operation presently. But that’s probably being a big ole meanie to the billionaire if I say that.
  7. I am waiting on it to all get sorted it all boss. Blaming them all until someone is proven not to deserve blame. Because everyone is finger pointing. Everyone is accused of playing a role in botching it. what I am not willing to do is believe any of these clowns immediately after the thing blows up lol. I think they are all lairs telling half truths. That’s generally how it goes. what you are doing is choosing to believe the billionaire coming out of the gate as the one truthful voice lol * I’ve literally always said Rock Hill was at fault lol. And I’ve always said people should hold them accountable for their part in the nightmare. How big of percentage they were isn’t really known and won’t be for some time. But that’s big picture. They should be held accountable regardless. I’ve blasted McMaster. I’ve blasted Rock Hill. I’ve blasted York County. I’ve blasted Tepper. Everyone involved. feel free to respond. But I’m moving on from the over the top Tepper/Rhule brigade at this point.
  8. One person filing a lawsuit doesn’t prove anything. If RH filed a lawsuit first on Tepper would it make whatever they alleged true? the York County lawsuit also alleged Tepper wasn’t operating in a manner he should of. The York County money. The York County lawsuits also echos some of RH’s complaints that Tepper wasn’t working with RH on actually getting the bonds done. you are picking and choose which allegations you want to have truth to them and ignoring one’s you don’t want to be have truth to them. Can’t do that. Billionaires and politicians have a lot in common. Foolish to just believe them out the gate when their is a nightmare on the table lol. I don’t believe any of them. Truth is probably a mix of everyone’s half truths.
  9. I mean Tepper has sucked massively as an owner. It comes up a lot. I’m not in denial about either of those two things lol. Your the one in the denial about your behavior on the board. And frankly, there is no longer any entertainment in replying to you. Enjoy your time here.
  10. Smearing Tepper….by saying he is partially to blame for the failed project along with RH, York County, McMaster, etc. lol You just have a Tepper fetish. Simple as that.
  11. Nothing about the York County lawsuit proves this whole nightmare falls on one party. I’m not ignoring anything. I simply won’t cherry pick one statement as true and them deem everything else nonexistent. And I haven’t switched diddly up. I’ve always maintained all parties are at fault and should be held accountable. They won’t. But they should. 2 people want a carve out for Tepper despite RH and YC making legit accusations he is part of the clusterfug. Time could clear Tepper. Time could clear other folks. That’s not today. Feel free to excuse anyone you want. Tepper, McMaster, Rock Hill, York County are all to blame in my book. My percentage of blame for each might vary in the end. Someone might get excused. That’s certainly isn’t today.
  12. The agreement states that the city’s “reasonable best efforts” would not require Rock Hill to “pledge, use or contribute any funds, revenues or assets” to repay the bonds. The agreement states the city’s “reasonable best efforts” to issue the bonds should not be construed as “an assurance or guarantee by the city that there will be a buyer for any of the bonds.” https://amp.charlotteobserver.com/sports/nfl/carolina-panthers/article260804372.html Much of the flap stems from the fact that the parties didn’t agree on a key issue: Who gets stuck repaying the bond investors should the project not work financially? https://businessnc.com/tepper-york-county-battle-over-a-football-inspired-center/ they needed investors to buy the bonds. It was probably the first thing/issue RH spoke on. The complaint Tepper was not giving them project details as they tried to work on investors. with all that mess in the contract and on the table …and Tepper just starts building poo? Hard to say he is blameless for why there is a half constructed piece of nothing standing tall. Guess the we will figure it out later approach proved to be dumb.
  13. You just keep repeating the question. Which also means you haven’t really listened to any allegation that folks have had about how Tepper has gone about doing business. bonds require investors. they are the ones putting up the money. RH’s complaint early on was when they would request info on the project (for investors) and Tepper Sports would go silent. The additional details on the project were needed to attract the investors. So again. Tepper Sports would then be part of the delay. Tepper Sports refused to address the complaint when the media went to them. I don’t know anything that was discussed in reality. Neither do you. That’s why I am holding off deeming anyone in the clear until more info is out. There was an article that said RH and Tepper had major contention about the bonds and who would be fully responsible in the end. If project didn’t turn out as originally planned pre COVID RH would be massively screwed wouldn’t they? Think that’s why alternate solutions were sought (probably the don’t issue the bonds allegation). Per reports Tepper agreed to one verbally with YC and then pullled a 180 on it. safe position is to hold everyone involved at fault for the giant clusterfug until the details eventually make it more clear. It’s a pretty massive assumption that the billionaire wasn’t part of the failure. Billionaires and politicians. Horrible lot of folks. Shady lairs. I don’t trust any of them. You have a carve out for billionaires. I think they all are full poo.
  14. If someone wanted you to invest your money….do you want info on the project your money is going to build? It was one of the allegations back when the pause occurred. Tepper Sports had no comment.
  15. The bonds mature. Interest is paid until they do. Then the money has to be paid back to the investors. That’s the risk/debt. saying I’d start with the SC State House in my long list of those at fault in this nightmare isn’t vague lol. That’s SC politicians. And I start with McMaster. They were key in this mess getting rolling from the start. I thought about it. Haven’t gone there. Pretty sure I haven’t excused a single party at all in the clusterfug. None. Don’t plan too. Not until more is known.
  16. Bonds require investors. That’s the money. Did they have that? Maybe. Maybe not. That was a reported issue they were having. It came up when they were complaining Tepper Sports kept not giving them details for the investors. * all goes back to the language. Can’t recall what it was. They didn’t guarantee they would issue the bonds. Best effort to. and the practice stadium wasn’t where RH would have benefited. It was everything that was suppose to come with it. And COVID seemed to of altered that. And they seemed to become aware things changed. I’m sure Tepper did too. And it sure looks like people were working on solutions. Seems like Tepper agreed to one verbally before pulling the plug. maybe Tepper shouldn’t of gone to work before the funds were acquired. Or maybe he did that to try to squeeze a small town. Who knows. Billionaires generally are good at making money by doing what they legally can….not what is right. but again, I think lots are to blame. Lots. I haven’t excused a single party. Some are just breaking their backs to defend Tepper before the facts of the epic cluster fug come out. You do you. Don’t expect others to be in a rush to claim anyone is innocent in this nightmare lol.
  17. Tommy Jone will haunt you for that one
  18. A lot of it isn’t so much the player. It’s the organization. use Sam. Sam is Sam. If Carolina had let him get cut, gave up zero draft picks, gave him a Bill/Trubisky deal and had him being the backup entering last season. He doesn’t get the harsh treatment. We gave up a bunch of picks, paid him, and made him the man. Expectations then get high. Carolina overpaid Robbie. He was a bigger cap hit than Diggs, Adams and those types of legit monsters. So Carolina alters the expectation for him. Which isn’t really Robbie’s fault. He is what he is. But he took the check. And the check comes with expectations.
  19. debt/risk for a project that wasn’t going to give them the return in the end. Like I said RH is to blame. They just aren’t alone. I probably would start at the SC State House. That’s me though. again you freak out because I think a poo ton of people are to blame. You want Tepper portrayed as some poor innocent soul that was the lone honest business person. I’m not willing to go there until the clusterfug is laid all on the table. You do you though.
  20. Taking the level of financial risk and burden Tepper wanted them to.
  21. That probably 25% of the league. Which is really fine. But just go about it then. Robbie deleted his follow up tweet. Basically mad people talk about him and that he isn’t their entertainment. Which he is. He took millions to be an entertainer. He seems he would benefit from Sam Darnold’s advice and view. There is no point in reading and being active on social media for really most athletes. 31 fanbases already aren’t your fans and it’s tough to be collectively well reviewed by your own fanbase.
  22. That is what I have argued people need BEFORE they release Tepper from all blame on the clusterfug. and I doubt it will be soon. Clusterfugs of this scale generally are a mess with a lot of people to blame. Not one party.
  23. it’s clear RH had no intention of playing the role as Tepper defined it in his press statements. Again. I have never not said RH was at at fault and shouldn’t of been in this from the jump. that doesn’t make Tepper squeaky clean. The conversation and understanding between the parties clearly matters. We have very little there. Almost Nothing. Sure doesn’t seem as black and white as Tepper’s said claims IMO. I doubt York County and Rock Hill’s positions are complete fantasy.
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