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About TbTeRRoR

  • Birthday 08/24/1982

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  1. I am really curious why you need so much? I had 30 down and was streaming 3 tvs and 3 connected and used Computers( I was gaming getting 30 ping to Chicago servers) Also 2 tablets may have been running at the same time My kids are already super users.
  2. I have Star Link..its great. I was getting 200+ down and like 30 up before my cell/area filled but at peak hours now I get about 30-50 down and 5-15 up. I have no other options so this is great. I hit the SC or VA data centers on Apex legends and I get a 70 ping. As far as other internet options go. I've heard they are all trash.
  3. Long time fan. The show is ok. Probably better for non readers....they really messed up some plots down the road though.... and they ruined much of the mood. The best example I can give is the decision to try to surprise the audience with who the dragon was going to be.....in was never in much doubt in the books. Making the show go is it male or female really killed the importance of it being male......because he was doomed to madness and yet was supposed to be the worlds salvation...... if the Dragon is female......you don't get the doom and gloom. A little stupid to me but I kinda enjoyed season one but the end was game of thrones finally bad.
  4. I have small hands but had a well above average arm up until 30 when I stopped playing ball. As I'm almost 40 now its pretty much gone. When I was in HS I could chuck a 3/4 ball 60 yards with a perfect spiral, but you give me a full size and my hail mary would go for 30-35 at best. It wasn't about grip. My grip was fine. I couldn't keep the right spin on the ball to throw a full size for distance. My thumb would not go far enough around the ball to allow for spin control. Any time I tried to put any zip on it I threw a duck. But a 3/4 size ball I could chuck the hell out of it. I could throw a softball hard as heck. I played 3rd base alot and it was required to have a good arm. I could keep the right rotation on the ball though with a two seam or even a four finger grip. All in all they are calling his hands small....mine maybe midget carney territory. For comparison my 12 y old son is about a foot shorter than me, but has the same size hands... go figure. At least it makes my look bigger
  5. He's looked solid, but he can't win shoot outs or at least he's regressed back to he has to prove it status. Since 2016 when he was the starting QB any time an opponent has scored at least 21, he is 12-21. I looked this up since my buddy said that if anyone scores 21 or more, we would lose. Well, he actually said 24...that makes the record worse but I looked up 21 instead. Feel free to fact check that I didn't try really hard when I looked it up and could have miscounted, but that's pretty much what I saw. Since 2016 he has faced a team scoring 21 points 33 times. He won 12 of them.(including playoff loss to Saints) 21 is a pretty basic number in the NFL, and over the last 19 games he's only won 1 game when opponent scored 21 or more. I hope this new and seemingly more patient Cam can buck that trend. 21 points is not too much to ask for an NFL offense. Especially with the skill players we have.
  6. A thousand bucks is a lot to pay for a front!
  7. why would she have her own "place" if she's basically living with her parents..........just live with your parents and split the bills in her situation....
  8. can we not sign a bruiser for short yardage? It seems like we've sucked at these situations since the drafting of Newton ( outside of Newton)
  9. I posted an article to a sports medicine study in another thread a while back when we first swapped surfaces. The study showed that natural grass caused more lower leg injuries than the newer generation turfs. ......now the old astro turf....that was garbage. Superstition and old wives tales are the only reason people still believe this. Only thing you could knock against that article is it was focused more on soccer but If i remember correctly they did look at NFL injuries for comparison.
  10. Well I've seen two or three article links posted, but this one actually says grass ( in great condition) actually grips more (footwear pending also sometimes I think) during "peak torque" making it more likely to cause injury verses 3rd generation artificial turf. https://www.americansocceranalysis.com/home/2019/1/7/turf-and-injuries-the-data-hurts Not saying this is all correct, but this guy appears to have done his homework, or at least has looked up everyone else's studies and crossed them?
  11. Comes to thread to read about Trade. Skips all relevant trade post. Read everyone about #1 picks girl and avatar likeness
  12. I'm not saying the guy is Brady ...but his physique is young Brady and many of his weaknesses are 6th round Brady esq. However the odds of him being another Brady are astronomical but I see combine Brady every time I see the guy
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