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Kevin Greene

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Everything posted by Kevin Greene

  1. lol at the Cardinals, take that bitches.
  2. The 3rd baseman had the right to get up in case there was a run down play. The runner also could have returned to 3rd if he chose. BS call and a BS ending to a pivotal game in the WS. Baseball made a joke of itself last night.
  3. MLB badly embarrassed itself this evening.
  4. So you let a reliever who's never had a MLB at bat swing the wood in the top of the 9th in a tie World Series Game 3 and then take him out after 2 batters in the bottom of the 9th? And I thought Mattingly was stupid.
  5. Our receiving corp puts fear in no one and doesn't require extra Dbacks. Our Oline is a revolving door for opposing rushers. Years of spending #1s on the RB and LB corps have taken their toll. Why wouldn't you pin your ears back and come? Cam cant do it alone.
  6. But he beat the Giants, best coach ever11!!!!!11!!!1!!1!!1
  7. Bingo I mean your son is in your Living Room waiting for his prospective College HC and this comes to visit.
  8. Rule violations? jeezus... In College you recruit the players you want. In the Pros you draft the players you want and suppliment it through FA. Either way, you've got to get them to play for you.
  9. One thing for sure in College, recruiting is key. The Trojans won 3, then 2 games the 2 years previous to Carroll taking the reins at USC. Players came because they were recruited and wanted to play for Carroll, and play they did. Same as NFL players respond to him on Sundays. This is what we Panthers need, someone they want to play for.
  10. Wow, A lot of work on the data. Just responding to where some opinion was offered. As far as Pete Carroll is concerned previous to his outstanding current work with the Seahawks he had 20 years of College coaching experience. His work as a College Coach stands on it's own and makes pale the vast majority of other Coaches to step on a College sideline, his is a career that stands on its own merit. As a Head Coach of the Trojans for 9 years his stats were unprecedented: But previous to those 9 years at USC as noted he had 4 years as a Head Coach in the NFL where 2 of the 4 years his teams made the Playoffs. Never understood people dismissing his early times as a HC in the NFL as a failure or needing his image rebuilt. Can you imagine the Panthers making the Playoffs at a 50% rate? We can only dream. Pete Carroll has flourished wherever he's coached and as his current run in Seattle confirms, at age 62 he will continue to do so. Pro experience, College Coaching experience especially at the HC position as well as Coordinator work at the Pro Level all contribute to a successful, well rounded NFL head Coach. With the next hire however I hope the Panthers focus equally on the man and the dynamic he will bring to the Locker Room and to the sidelines and not just some treadmill approach or the latest hot coordinator from a successful NFL Playoff team. The Panthers need a leader, a man with passion and someone the Players will follow into battle Game day. Pray they make the right choice.
  11. Seattle crowd just got the Hawks a safety. You watching Richardson?
  12. I have a game grade for Ownership. Jerry Richardson, you get an F. Imagine if the Carolina Panthers actually celebrated the 12th man as the Seattle Seahwaks do before, during and after every game. Enthusiastic, boisterous Fans are actually a good thing you old fart. Time to step aside.
  13. About time the Panthers curb stomped someone. Today would be a good day to start.
  14. We dont need any seachicken fans, we have a Hawk.... It's sort of like having a Donk:
  15. True dat, most pissed I've seen him was yelling at our players because they told the stinking Falcons to GTF off our own field. bullshyt .
  16. We're going to start the Season being badly outcoached. But I am looking forward to Smitty going up against the Hawk's excellent DBs. They best have their chin straps tight. .
  17. Can not wait to see this guy rip off a 40 yarder on the Taint defense.
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