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About Murph

  • Birthday 10/10/1967

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  1. I was no nerd, thank you very much
  2. Hold your heads high State, you have put together one of the greatest underdog runs I’ve ever seen
  3. Burns is playing insane minutes for him. I don’t see him holding up late in game.
  4. If they replaced the first half of Usher’s show with Tun Down For What I would have enjoyed 10X more
  5. Once again this matchup doesn’t disappoint.
  6. I am absolutely loving every moment of this
  7. On our way back home from PNC. It was a fun night and a great game. This was my Christmas present to my family and it was my youngest’s first Hurricanes game and she is hooked. Everyone is begging me to bring them back ASAP. Maybe over Easter break.
  8. Let’s start this day off with a Christmas miracle!
  9. It’s the Falcons. We beat the Falcons. I don’t care how we did it.
  10. I was thinking about taking my whole family for the game and an evening hanging out in the city but the weather is going to horrible, especially the 2 1/2 drive there and back.
  11. Tuttle’s mistake is a microcosm of this season
  12. Who needs pics of clowns when numbers tell the whole story
  13. CBS is reporting that Michigan is putting together an insanely high contract extension to keep him there. I can’t wait to hear the numbers
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