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About Murph

  • Birthday 10/10/1967

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  1. So is it true that part of the big jump in the cap is due to the additional revenue that the Kelce/Swift relationship has brought to the NFL which is estimated to be $1 billion? Or is that just social media fake news?
  2. I am so on board with Mason Graham that if he’s still on the board for the Jets pick I hope we move up a spot to snare him. A 4th and future 7th would probably do it.
  3. lol. Bradshaw was pissed he couldn’t get to talk.
  4. Mahomes is totally rattled
  5. Philly is playing the exact same D Tampa did to beat Mahomes. Let the front four create pressure and let the other 7 sit in zone
  6. He’s going to catch flack for that comment of all 11 guys doing their job to win a SB. Because he didn’t jump on that loose ball. I wonder if that also was a slight dig at Remmers. His breakdowns in protection was the biggest factor in that superbowl outcome.
  7. In my 50+ years of watching football I’ve never heard an official say that.
  8. Jayden Daniels has 2 career playoff wins. Same as Dak Prescott. ROFL
  9. His eyes were covered and he still got it
  10. Texans biggest weakness, OL, rears its ugly head.
  11. Just saw they are predicting snow in Philadelphia Sunday when the Rams come to town.
  12. I’ve rewatched that run 4 times. Just Wow!
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