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Everything posted by jamos14

  1. Your takes are fuging garbage. It was a good drive. Game winning drive's in the NFL are tough; it doesn't matter if you think it didn't meet the eye test. Sick of you and others insufferable bullshit.
  2. Is that really true though? We have have 2nd, 3rd, 4th, (2) 5th, 6th. Top of each round in 2, 3,4. We should absolutely expect 1 starter and 1-2 additional contributors from that. This is Fitts biggest problem , he has drafted like poo (and traded) and we have no depth because of it.
  3. No, which is why I'm not concerned about attracting a quality coach/GM. We will get some good candidates. The question is will Tepper hire the right coach/GM and then get out of their way?
  4. Tier 1 job openings: LA Chargers- nobody else is close. Franchise QB, offensive skill players, in LA. Tier 2: Chicago (POTENTIAL) - tons of draft capital (thanks to us), position to either keep Fields and trade for more or build around Atlanta (POTENTIAL) - top 5 offensive skill players in the league Tier 3: Panthers - some solid young corps to build around but Tepper makes things difficult Raiders - nobody of note to build around and Vegas doesn't care and won't ever care. Patriots - nobody to build around. Nobody wants to be the guy to follow Bill. Commanders - nobody to build around I don't see any other team firing a HC; maybe NYJ or Saints ?
  5. If we want to go the defensive route, we already have a better coach on staff.
  6. And you proved his point. That DRIVE was exactly what you want from a #1 pick and franchise QB. Not his whole entire season. Or even his game yesterday. THE DRIVE WAS.
  7. Evero was actually allowed to hire his own guys on defense. I think all of the coaches had worked together including Capers. It wasn't the hodge podge that the offensive staff was.
  8. Really hard to say how smart of a football guy he is. I'm a fan of interviewing smart people that have been at successful organizations and choosing the best. I think his resume is actually pretty solid even if he hasn't been "the man" at his stops. And he has worked under two offensive genius' in Payton and McDaniels. From a reddit post about him (and keep in mind this is BEFORE his dolphins's success) Saint Oline coach/offensive assistant Bears TE coach Raiders TE coach Chargers run game coordinator/Oline coach Just some quick highlights: During his tenure from 2010 to 2014, the Saints offensive line allowed just 143 sacks, third fewest in the NFL. 4 pro bowl players with one (Jahri Evans) being an all pro 3 times Had bad luck with injuries in Chicago Oversaw the development of one of the best TEs in the game in Waller while in Oakland Last year he took the last place ranked chargers Oline, transitioned them to a zone blocking scheme, and they were ranked 10th this season Not only that but as run game coordinator he not only transitioned the blocking but the run offense and it actually improved, (1784 yards, 3.8/carry in 2020, 1834 yrds 4.3/carry this season) Second hire that oversaw a successful transition to zone blocking and the third coach with a history of developing some of the leagues few top TEs AND the third coach with run game coordinator credits"
  9. Yes. Was he he completely broken; no. But who cares; it was smart. They should do it now too. Bryce needs to reset. These last 3 games aren't going to help him. d-Dave is completely correct; it doesn't matter how well Andy plays. Bryce is next years QB. No coach is worried about being embarrassed by Dalton playing well.
  10. There is no way you or anybody actually believe this. The reason they keep playing Bryce is because they think it's the best for his development. I personally disagree. At this point he has been developing bad habits from the constant pressure and no weapons to throw too. It has absolutely nothing to do with "Dalton will prove haters right".
  11. I think it doesn't happen because there aren't really any improvements that can be made for an in-season firing. All the GMs duties have already taken place and day-to-day roster manipulating is almost non existent. Did the NFL hiring changes for HC also impact when a GM can be hired? I know for HC, it can't be until after the divisional round of the playoffs.
  12. Another thread full of poo talking instead of trying to have a football conversation. Most posters never tried to answer the original question, just turned it into another Bryce trolling fest. Isn't that exhausting? OP, my answer is WR. They can stretch the field and help prevent 10 man boxes. It makes the entire offense better. (incoming post by trolls about Bryce can't throw deep, blah blah blah).
  13. Clausen? Honestly hard to remember it's been so long. Darnold? Yes. It wasn't until year 2 that I abandoned hope for him.
  14. I can't define success but I can guarantee he would have had a lot more there than he has here.
  15. There haven't been many of them to enter the league so it's hard to compare. I think smaller QBs will become more of a trend in the NFL though based on the way HS and college football is currently played. He is certainly an outlier though.
  16. My very post in this thread was agreeing that he has gotten worse. He has developed bad habits that weren't present in his college tape. And yes; I think with Dalton they could have won 5 games this year. He is/was more prepared for the NFL than Bryce was. We threw him to the wolves when he clearly wasn't ready or before our team was setup for his success and now we are paying for it. I love CJ. Great player. I wasn't comparing the two of them or their seasons. I really hope we see a different Bryce and Panthers team next year. This 6 year span has sucked the life out of a proud fan base.
  17. Probably not. I think the NFL is fickle as hell. He could have gone to a different organization and been tremendously successful. Environment matters a lot. And we are not one that is helping facilitating any growth.
  18. I've been completely consistent. He has struggled. Mightily. There are lots of reasons for the struggles (lots his, lots not). I'm not sticking my head in the sand anywhere by saying he can still get better. He is 22 years old. He didn't just forget to play football overnight. Your second paragraph is what conversations on here should be. A discussion. That's why people are here,I assume.
  19. Re-read the post you quoted. "Not nearly as often as anybody would have hoped" I'm not here saying with 100% certainty that he is going to turn it around. But the opposite is also not true. His story is not written yet.
  20. Yes, I chose that game intentionally. He lost his weapons and his OL struggled; and HE also struggled. He is a much better QB than Bryce at this point; clearly. But even he still struggles when his receivers aren't getting open and he is consistently pressured. Most QBs do. That's the point. The QB gets all the blame and all the praise but there are 11 on the field at a time for a reason.
  21. Some of you say that. Many are ignorant. I've been on here for a long damn time. There is not much football posting. It's poo posting. It's certainly a symptom of the team sucking for a long time; it's just exhausting. Bryce hasn't performed well but for him to succeed this year he would need to be close to perfect. He hasn't helped himself and he hasn't been helped. He can still be a successful QB. And he has shown some "flashes" of his potential. Not nearly as often as anybody would have hoped.
  22. Do you think he has even an average nfl arm? Yes. Not a strength of his but average. Do you think his size hinders his ability to see the field? Yes, at times. He needs more protection in the G-C-G pocket area or MOVE the pocket to be the most successful. Built just like the Saints did with Brees. Do you think his footwork is worthy of a #1 overall pick? No. He was worthy of the pick coming out; even if it appears that CJ will be the better player. Every expert had them 1A and 1B. He has had a poo year to put it mildly. It does me no good to quit on him because 99% chance he is still the starting QB next season and I want to see some decent football so I'm holding out hope he can still be a better player.
  23. Like CJ did yesterday without his top 2 receivers? It's impossible to have a real football discussion with people on here because there are so many trolls or people posting with extreme hyperbole (HE CAN'T THROW A PASS, HE'S THE WORST EVER, blah blah blah). I'm not even on here spreading rays of sunshine or acting like his poo doesn't stink. Everybody has to constantly hate instead of trying to actually discuss the entire football team.
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