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Everything posted by jamos14

  1. WOW! https://x.com/RapSheet/status/1750565340042457348?s=20 I really like Canales but hate that we didn't even interview Johnson, Macdonald, Slowik a 2nd time.
  2. I still have hope for Bryce. But even if he ends up being successful, it's still an F. We traded the #1 pick for the #1 pick, #9 pick, 2 2nds, and DJ Moore. The CMC trade also is an F based on who we selected with the returned picks.
  3. Yea but this isn't knowing about football. It's understanding your personality and organization and why it has failed. I think he's seen where he has gotten in the way. Otherwise this interview doesn't even happen.
  4. Atlanta has interviewed almost every candidate out there. I have absolutely no clue which direction they are going to go. I thought Bill B was a sure thing and now I'd guess that's a long shot? I'll still be happy with Canales. but I'm just happy we are turning over every stone. For the record, I wanted Harbaugh or Ben Johnson as my ideal guy. Harbaugh is a lost cause but Johnson could still be an option. Washington appears intrigued with others as well.
  5. I'm not saying he hasn't been a terrible owner. I'm just saying I think he's self reflective. Maybe his own tendencies will fail him in the end. But I do think he's making an effort to fix it. And Vrabel is too accomplished to just give a token interview IMO. He wouldn't waste his own time if he wasn't open to it. This isn't a zoom like the others.
  6. And if guys like Vrabel are interviewing here, I think everybody can still expect Ben Johnson or Slowik or whomever to interview if we request it. The situation doesn't look great but I think inside NFL circles, it's still a hot commodity (because it's an NFL head coach opportunity)
  7. Very early. Clearly they need a coach who has a plan together to develop a QB (Bryce or anybody). Offensive scheme is probably the biggest unknown with Vrabel because he won't have Henry to lean on.
  8. As much as everybody says it, Tepper is not an idiot. He wants to win. Tepper has to have made some self realizations to even interview Vrabel. And from the way Person is saying it, Morgan is the liaison to the owner now so it won't be like it was (we will see).
  9. WOW I'd still have him below Johnson and Slowik and maybe Canales but I'm glad we are still interviewing candidates. https://x.com/JeffDarlington/status/1750255573730316637?s=20
  10. Plenty of head coaches are not this typical alpha male. Coaches can be great and not be the "in your face" macho stereotype. Players want a coach that will connect/care with them on an individual level, that can provide a sense of direction for the organization , and knows what the hell he is doing. They don't need a drill instructor to care.
  11. 1.5 sacks in the first half of game 1. That's literally the only BIG moment he had all season. He disappeared the rest of the season. And still thinks he should get top tier money. As another poster said, not paying Burns was a great decision by Fitterer. Not trading him was a fireable offense.
  12. Very heavy lean for Washington from the Twittersphere. I don't think any team has asked about Peters despite being the most successful candidate. Peters and Bob Meyers know each other well and apparently that's why Washington brought him in.
  13. This is the same firm (Sportsology) that SF used that placed them with Kyle Shanahan and John Lynch.
  14. That's another thing we won't know. But can at least be thankful one is involved at all. From the outside, it at least appears to be the correct step to fixing our process.
  15. I've followed that guy for years. He isn't a Panthers PR source. I don't really care either way. It never bothered me. I'm just glad he fired Fitterer and hired a search firm.
  16. It's tough because everybody is just clamoring for a sign of hope. I'm excited because why not. It appears that the search firm is doing their thing and Tepper has learned some. And until we hear news about candidates rejecting us , it appears that everybody's worse case scenario is not coming true.
  17. I'm pretty sure he did own it. He didn't even apologize. This is just a twitter rumor from a fan. This isn't PR lol. It wouldn't be released via a random fan on twitter if they really wanted it to get to NFL sources.
  18. It's impossible to know what role behind the scenes each of these GM candidates have within their organizations. Sure, you may know their job title and their initial backgrounds but it's hard to have any well informed option on how they impact their current team. I think we have a pretty good list with a variety of thought processes. Only name I wanted was Peters but it seems that they aren't wasting their time with him, he seems to be a lock to Washington (from media rumors). But hey, we all wanted Fitterer gone and we got our wish. We can have hope until proven otherwise that the new GM will be better.
  19. It's never as bad as you think it is. Look at Houston. Every single year the league flips upside down (to an extent). We can easily be competitive next year with the right hire and personnel moves. Tepper hiring a consulting firm says a lot as well. And hopefully firing Fitterer today gives us a completely fresh start.
  20. I think that's the one thing we have in our favor. His market value must have dropped by several million a year based on his play this season. There is nothing that justifies his contract demands. All we can do is play chicken with him after a franchise tag unless he accepts a reasonable offer prior. Letting him walk for nothing isn't an option.
  21. Joe says he is still asking for $30M a season. No chance we should pay him that. No chance we can let him walk either. Tag and trade OR negotiate a much better deal than $30M.
  22. Theilen Xavier Woods Luvu Troy Hill Vonn Bell That's about all I got.
  23. I don't think a single person in this thread or even forum is giving a picture of roses. The OP literally said it's the worst trade in the history of the franchise. To me, we have not given up hope that Bryce can be a good NFL QB. Is that worth all that we traded? Heck no. But this thread just showcased a few damn good plays that were made in tough conditions. There hasn't been a thing to cheer for all season. Holding out on some hope for the kid is reasonable. I'm just so sick of constant troll posting and maybe you aren't one of them and I've incorrectly lumped you in.
  24. That’s the problem. You’d rather cheer for your own team to lose and your predictions of doom/gloom come true instead of being pulling for your favorite team like a normal person.
  25. I’m convinced all you trolls are 15 year olds who talk poo on COD and have an egg shell for a twitter profile. non stop ignorant poo. Can’t find any joy in life. Can’t even enjoy a win in a miserable season. cant even let a kid who’s had an awful year have credit for ONE fuging DRIVE! fug off, all of you.
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