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Everything posted by jamos14

  1. JPJ is going in the 1st round. Probably top 20. I really wish he'd fall to 33 but seems highly unlikely.
  2. Ickey can be much more successful with a good guard next to him each week.
  3. Jahri Evans Max Unger Carl Nicks That's what propelled Drew Brees and the Saints to success. Nicks, Unger, and Evans were all among the highest paid at their position.
  4. Jahri Evans Max Unger Carl Nicks That's what propelled Drew Brees and the Saints to success. Nicks, Unger, and Evans were all among the highest paid at their position.
  5. It's clearly what it is. His agent saw all the talk on twitter about the athletic article and wanted to put public pressure back on the Panthers instead of his client. So he paid her to write a story.
  6. Hard for that to happen with the player talent. They are still absolutely stacked.
  7. SF defense is the most talented defensive roster in the NFL. Wilks performed ok with them but it was clear him and Shannahan weren't on the same page with his playcalling. Wilks is notorious for that soft zone as other poster brought up. Makes no sense with such a talented roster. He should go back to being a DB coach/Associate Head Coach. His strengths are not scheming and defensive play calling.
  8. I agree that it contributes to Chiefs success. But this SF has it too. They were just in the Super Bowl 4 years ago and have been to the NFC title game 3 out of 4 years since then. They are more experienced than probably every other team in the NFL except KC.
  9. YES. He was running 5 deep and then full blitz underneath. Mahomes had torched it multiple plays in a row and Wilks called it again. Shannahan had enough and they changed to Some type of man w/2 deep safeties after timeoout.
  10. Good point. He was always frustrating as a DC here for that exact reason.
  11. I think you'd be surprised what 8 less throws by Purdy does to that game. He did nothing almost all 2nd half. And he would've won the Superbowl with Atlanta if he did the same thing. He forgot to run the ball.
  12. 2. I think Shannahan has the choker label because he hasn't had an elite QB and is forced to run the ball to have success. But his play calling stye gets away from the run game too easily. Especially when it's working. SF wins last night if CMC had 30 carries (which is a lot) but Purdy wasn't doing anything unless a receiver was wide open. Purdy 38 throws is stupid! CMC was gashing them all night.
  13. Yup. He had JAG at QB and threw the ball 38 times. He had OPOY CMC who was averaging 5.5yards per touch and they forgot about him.
  14. And then you have a top 3 defense on the other side. It's wild how much talent they have.
  15. They won't do it because Minnesota isn't letting him go. And SF can build that roster because Purdy is on a nothing contract. Having Kirk's salary would blow that up. Once he (Purdy) gets paid anything, that teams window is SHUT.
  16. Spags is amazing. Doesn't get enough credit. Shut down NE with NYG 2x. And then smothered SF in the 2nd half against SF with 4 first team All-Pros on offense. Apparently by DVOA, this SF team and the 2007 NE Patriots are the 2 best teams that didn't win the super bowl. Both beat by Spags defense.
  17. Wilks called a good game in the first 2.5 quarters. Then he started playing soft zone and Mahomes picked them apart. Changed it to heavy cover 0 and got picked apart there. I think he just played Mahomes and it's really hard to beat him. SF defense has probably the best talent in the entire league. it's an embarrassment of riches on that front 7. They lost because Shannahan put the ball in Purdy's hand too much. There was no reason for him to throw the ball 38 times. CMC should have had 10-12 more touches and SF wins. There are 10-15 other QBs that would've won that Super Bowl last night. Purdy is fine; nothing special but a solid NFL player. Nice pick for 262. But I hated him ever being in the MVP discussions. it was stupid.
  18. I don't know. The thing that sold me on the geniousness was when he was asked a question about if he felt pressure to perform immediately and he responded with <paraphrasing here> "Is it ok to say that I'm nervous? I've been wanting a head coaching job , it's been my dream and I'm going to take it incredibly serious." It wasn't some standard coach speak BS.
  19. Then why not try to find some of the positives in his game instead of consistently tearing him down or anybody else that supports him?
  20. Completely untrue. WCO is what's winning in modern NFL. And I wouldn't right off his deep ball yet, OL/WR plays a huge role in that.
  21. Are you looking up all those interceptions to bring actual facts? Or just going to troll?
  22. TOO LATE is poor decision making and not an arm strength indicator. That LOL is not the flaunt you think it was. Now if he was Josh Allen, maybe he would've completed it. But that's a top 3 NFL arm. Most players can't do that. Including Bryce.
  23. I don't think that's the case. I think he threw on the move pretty well, especially from his college film. We just didn't do it.
  24. Show me one pass that was intercepted because he floated it? Only one throw was even close that I can remember and it was a pick 6 on flat that he threw too late.
  25. He has his issues but I'll stand by it. Dude is not missing throws because he has a weak arm. He's not 37 year old Drew Brees out there. Meme is on point though.
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