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Everything posted by jamos14

  1. Sounds like Brandon Williams roster chances have gone down hill dramatically. Not surprising when you miss all of training camp but really disappointing. I had high hopes for him.
  2. Hard comparison, San Antonio has been one of the best offense's in basketball.
  3. There is no truth at all to the torn meniscus so don't speculate on it.
  4. I didn't mean they were reservists but rather the I&I guys at the station.
  5. None of them are fat but two are sloppy looking by Marine Standards. No, they are absolutely Marines. Who knows what unit but probably a local reserve station, probably not band. Those female Marines get more attention than they know what to do with. They don't even have to be attractive, just female. Pretty funny to witness from higher.
  6. All I noticed was the LCpl who's gig-line and trousers was all fuged up
  7. Yup, likely. Which means Gettleman feels comfortable with depth for now or thinks the vet OTs stink.
  8. Hills- Drafted in 2008, 4th round. Been on Steelers, Broncos, Colts, Bills, Raiders, Dolphins, and Cowboys. Never for more than 1 season except Pitt. Played in 13 games. Started 1. Wallace- UDFA signed by Miami, cut recently.
  9. Speaking of this: Jake Long visiting Atlanta https://twitter.com/AdamSchefter/status/626073327149391873
  10. My guess is that we evaluate our OT during the first week or so of camp. If he's not satisfied, he brings somebody in. It will still leave enough time to gel with team in preseason. Or he could take the wait and see what's available approach after roster cuts to 53.
  11. Absolutely, 100%. You get free two shipping on most items and you get amazon prime video too. Do it.
  12. I was hoping to read an awesome Philly article about the vaunted Panthers defense and their #1 CB, Josh Norman. I'm all for removing the flag from state capital and proud the team agrees but this forum is not the place to discuss........... If I wanted to see ignorance about this discussion, I would just log on to facebook.
  13. This mofo better be suspended at least 10 games
  14. I like it. If only Alice came back so we could neg rep to smack all over again.
  15. How fantastic is it that Marty Hurney is the one who got the scoop on the new Cam deal!!!!
  16. He made it past 0 teams...... We never had a chance.
  17. Gameday Ron is likely not the same as practice Ron. I haven't been to practice and seen personally, but I would imagine he is pretty intense.
  18. Per Ian Rapoport. I know many of you don't like him (USC WR bias) but I'm glad we are doing our due diligence on him. He could be a very good player.
  19. Sccording to Joe Person of the Charlotte Observer, the Carolina Panthers have claimed OT Jonathan Martin You probably know Martin as the victim in the Miami Dolphins bullying scandal from last season. Aside from that, he is a decent offensive tackle that should compete for a starting job in Carolina. I see this as a solid signing in Carolina.
  20. According to Joe Person of the Charlotte Observer, the Carolina Panthers have claimed OT Jonathan Martin You probably know Martin as the victim in the Miami Dolphins bullying scandal from last season. Aside from that, he is a decent offensive tackle that should compete for a starting job in Carolina. I see this as a solid signing in Carolina.
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