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Everything posted by jamos14

  1. And players don't magically get better in their 5th season either. This whole contract is awful.
  2. He is basically making Kyle Rudolph/Blake Jarwin money. Manhertz (a blocking only TE) is made 6.5 mil.
  3. Yes. And I hated Teddy. But if the answer was Teddy or Sam, it's Teddy. (and I thought Sam would have been an upgrade). Because we sank double $$$ and incredibly valuable draft capital. We'd be sitting good with a lot more cash and draft picks if we just kept Teddy for 2021.
  4. The worst part is that we all know that Rhule is going to give up future assets to try to save his ass. And destroy any chance of us getting a good coach next season because draft capital and salary cap will be non existent. Nobody will want to come.
  5. He is incredibly financially savvy. But I think that's what he cares about at this point. He changed the grass to turf against the wishes of every player because it saves him maintenance money. He is leaving a lame duck HC in place because he stupidly gave him a 7 year deal and doesn't want to pay another coach. And he invested all this money into building a soccer team so that people will still fill the seats all the while letting his football team crash and burn. The morale is so low among fans. We have NO hope at all with Rhule.
  6. Yes. And he knows it too. Which is why he has completely ducked any media since the season ended. This is a bad sign for the Panthers going forward (way beyond the Rhule years) because Tepper is in over his head, too prideful to correct his bad mistakes (AND a coward).
  7. I still can't fathom how Tepper let it get to this point. It's obvious to everyone that Rhule will make decisions that don't help the team long term but only to save his own ass. And we are a laughing stock. Rhule sucks as a coach. But this is all Tepper's fault. He has let it get to this point. Can't expect Rhule to fire himself.
  8. I honestly don't know what is the best for teams. Ownership groups can be messy with internal power struggles. or One billionaire who has completely unchecked authority. Both have potential to suck.
  9. He doesn't even have 25% of what it will take to purchase them. Must be a large ownership group if he will be the majority owner.
  10. Unfortunately, he will not be fired.
  11. Too me, that's about mental toughness. Dude was scared he would mess up. Guarantee he has practiced kickoffs WAY more than Zylstra ever has. That's not the type of weak minded poo I want on my NFL team, even from the punter. Get rid of him.
  12. I understand liking them 25 years ago. I don't understand how those same people aren't fans of the home team after 2.5 decades. Just the nature of NC I guess.
  13. Oh I know, in early 90's it was Skins and Cowboys on TV every week. But there has been 25 years of a team in the state. They can fug off now.
  14. They used to be called the Redskins. And a lot of people in NC like them for some reason.
  15. I think you can re-sign 2 of the 3. I'd take Reddick and whichever of Gilmore/Jackson takes less money.
  16. One of the most important things a backup can do is "game manage" and do not turn the ball over. Sam cannot do that. He is not backup material.
  17. Ok, yes, completely agree. Just because people cheer for the team you are on doesn't mean you don't suck. I took your comment literally.
  18. The public talks crap about me behind my a keyboard but then in person asks for an autograph.
  19. I'm sure. And I said the same thing in that thread. They are way over blowing this.
  20. This is stupid. He DID NOT blame the defense. He very intentionally called out Sam, the offensive line, and the special teams. Very specifically called out himself and his coaching staff. And then mentioned the "it's a team loss" and mentioned a few ways the defense could play better. This was AFTER he spent 5 minutes talking about poor pass protection, poor running plays, and bad decisions/throws/reads by Sam.
  21. Paradis is the 2nd best O-lineman we have. That's how bad our line is.
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