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  1. Black and white thinking," also known as dichotomous thinking, is a cognitive distortion where someone views situations in extremes, only seeing things as completely good or completely bad, with no room for nuance or middle ground, essentially dividing the world into absolute opposites like "perfect" or "terrible" without acknowledging the complexities in between; it's a pattern of thinking that often leads to oversimplification and inaccurate perceptions of reality
  2. Solid reasoning and I get that. Just saying if we did pick him I wouldn’t complain personally. This guy is a great player and we need those especially on defense
  3. If we drafted Graham I have no problem at all with it. He is difference maker
  4. I personally think he makes a decent #3. That’s it unless he improves his hands a lot
  5. Nice work. Those top 3 needs are spot on. The front 7 in general need a lot of help outside of Brown. Great job with this post.
  6. Won’t happen they gave Lawrence a mint
  7. No offense but I remember you more than anyone else bashing Bryce at every turn. The about face is interesting @CamWhoaaCam
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