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Everything posted by mc52beast

  1. So Ted would rather have Manziel throwing to him than Newton... good luck with that. Dude must not be interested in winning.
  2. Norman and Bene look to be our starters on the outside, both played lights out last year. Coleman would be a perfect fit and really solidify the position. Adding talent to the safety position would make our defense even more formidable.
  3. Goodell is fighting an uphill battle, they screwed up with Rice so they're going to do everything they can to "save face" by dragging Hardy thru the mud. And their band of idiots who call themselves "experts" will say whatever they're told to say... Much like politicians in DC.
  4. Wouldn't want to be the guy that replaces TD, the guy will probably have a statue erected in his name.
  5. so you're saying to sign Ginn and not draft or sign any other receivers? Sounds a little insane to me.
  6. Most everyone expected it, probably even BB himself... he will be a backup somewhere
  7. So realistically how much could Cam be looking to bank. I think it would be hard to put a value on the guy until you see what he does with decent talent around him. Luck has had offensive talent around him since day one, so his numbers are to be expected. Wilson has had Lynch and a number 1 defense. What has Cam had except for pedestrian receivers(minus Smith), shaky offensive lines, an aging "star" running back and a coach who is still learning OTJ.
  8. Will be best player available, DG won't be picking a guy that he isn't 100% comfortable with.
  9. Not realistic that DG will take a chance on this guy, unless he interviews very well and shows that he has changed his ways.
  10. guess he can go from losing to the Seahawks to losing to the greatest college football team in history... Go Bucks
  11. Thou hast delivered the Panthers from cap hell.
  12. Panthers play the Boyz next season so look for DG to get one of them, if for nothing else but to get their playbook knowledge.
  13. was sitting there watching him throw up ball after ball and receivers were catching everything.. I kept thinking to myself... " that is the luckiest freaking qb I have ever seen.
  14. Being built like the Seahawks... except our guys don't go postal when they lose.
  15. Liked and shared... just remember that it's not the possessions that make a marriage, it's the two of you. My daughter just got married in.November, good luck.
  16. Sure am glad that extra noise helped them win more games...
  17. The only way he isn't there for 60 minutes is if the Hawks are winning in a blowout
  18. I believe DG will get the most bang for his buck.. definitely won't be shopping at Tiffany's, but Cam will get enough talent so that a lack of talent won't be used as an excuse for under-performing
  19. Brady made a remark that he "likes his balls a certain way". I always thought he did...
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