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About mc52beast

  • Birthday 06/10/1975

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  1. Nice video. Now show me results on the field. I’m not getting sucked in by the preseason hype again.
  2. The way I read this Brooks was RB1 and Chuba/Miles backing him up?Doesnt make sense. Oh, and the Brooks pick was for the future, nobody was expecting him to roll out week 1 as the starter. Take your meds everyone, it’s ok.
  3. The history of the Carolina Panthers; Never had consecutive winning seasons too many bad decisions to list here under .500 as a franchise
  4. Bryce won’t need to be a superstar in Dave’s system. He said he wants to run the ball and they drafted a kid who knows how to do it. The line has been up-graded and so has the weapons around Bryce. If Bryce doesn’t look significantly better in this system I’ll be shocked
  5. I’m excited that we have a GM making moves that actually make sense. I’m excited that people finally figured out you have to have an at least above average o-line to compete.Im excited our HC seems to know how to work with QB’s. It’s going to take time to turn this trainwreck around, just hoping Tepper stays out of the way.
  6. People here thinking he’s supposed to look like the freakin Hulk. Dude is small, dude is always going to be small. But don’t tell the fitness experts here that who probably spend 1/2 their lives on a couch.
  7. Do you know why we were ranked 25th? Maybe because the scheme sucked, coaching sucked and Sanders sucked.
  8. How do we play those divisions and our schedule is third easiest? Guess because we’re in the South.
  9. Hmm… how many o-linemen will be on IR before we go to Germany…
  10. 6-6 is tall for a NT. Maybe they plan on using him at LT.
  11. It’s probably been said 1000 times but I’ll say it again; you really can’t grade Bryce based on last years clown show. We now have a much better o-line, much better receivers and hopefully much better coaching. Let’s see what Bryce can do THIS year and then grade him.
  12. To be fair there isn’t much competition for Cam being the best Panther QB ever.
  13. All I know is I’m going to love hearing this kid talk during pressers. That accent is absolutely amazing.
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