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Everything posted by Shufdog

  1. How cool is this!!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MCh0XQuXByo
  2. WOW!!! She didn't stick the landing though! Can't get the gif to load so here's the direct link. http://imgur.com/u22mEJQ I found the video!
  3. OHHHH! Ok, I see it now!!!! LOL! DUUUUH!!!!
  4. NSFW!!! (it's actually not but just in case) Makes you do a double take!
  5. What's the story behind this? Edit: Never mind, I saw the thread you started.
  6. This is not from a movie, it is real!
  7. She's in bad shape, but she's alive! A few details: http://www.carscoops.com/2014/10/woman-hits-truck-gets-struck-by-2nd.html Here's video:
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