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Everything posted by trucpfan

  1. Yea us being light on picks because of this year's trade is the only reason I'd say no we can't turn into the Rams and not build actively through the draft those top picks become foundational pieces if you draft right. All I can see is the havoc those two could wreck on the NFC he's the type of piece we need to compete with the stronger NFC teams. But yea next year we don't have a first so we can't give up our second.
  2. It was a little awkward but I liked it a lot it shows Bryce may be short but don't play with him. Steve was giving him a little flack for the song being a females song (Kiesha Cole) Bryce was basically like shut it up kill the jokes which shows me he's not a pansy or a marshmallow that you can just give him poo. It's hard to stand up to Steve he's a huge personality and fierce azz competitor so anybody shutting him down in any way shows a very strong mentality it made me look at Bryce as stronger personality than I thought because he seems to carry that quiet shy vibe but this for me debunked that immediately. I may be looking to deep into this but I really liked him shutting down Smitty who was giving him a little sht.
  3. I actually didn't know that because I was so confused like dam has he even played with a QB who's QBR isn't bottom five of the league yet? This is such a crazy thing to say after two practices but it makes sense now I needed more insight into why you would say that and I got it now.
  4. If he is it's means nothing right now it's more about executing the plays making the right reads accurately passing the ball. When it's go time I'm sure he'll play up to par because that's what he does. We can hate on his size all we want but processing plays, properly executing plays, and distributing accurate passes are things he does at an elite level.
  5. Lolllll put your pen away then my guy because he's not seeing the field. He's behind Brock obviously and Sam D when do you expect him to see meaningful playing time?
  6. So our QB situation and terrible coaching wasn't a reason for our underperforming offense last 2-3 years? We don't know what he is yet and training camp MVPs don't usually result in any major impact. Let's see the preseason play out at least before we try to disect a players performances. I meant to put this thought in another thread we've seen the point guard anoligy with Bryce it's starting to look like that's what he's is it doesn't matter who the player is if he sees opportunity to make a play in the seems he'll take it. A deep pass he'll take it, wherever he can go with the ball to give his WR a chance he goes so we won't know for sure imo because he just makes quick smart plays which won't really focus on any one player shining more then others because it's not a go to this player type offense it's a everybody eats type of distribution. Each week we may have a different yardage leader just depends on coverage and opportunity. So hold off your judgement until we can accurately access each player roughly maybe week 10-12
  7. I agree it’s something that can and will be improved but truthfully it’s his first practice if he improves slightly from what we saw today he’ll be dropping dimes all over the field. It definitely seems like that to me wouldn’t you say?
  8. The coaching minds that have to come together on this staff are pretty dam impressive.
  9. I can see what you’re saying I’d say it looked like the safety was there to make a play. But that over the top ball placement could have easily resulted in PI if he hits him a second too early. Either way it’s one if his first passes in his first nfl training camp I’m sure he’ll get better a playing QB if that’s how it’s starting we’re in dam good shape with him and our staff.
  10. Even though we’re tired of waiting that’s being realistic and honest because we have as we all know a new system which takes time to adjust to. But the real patience will be with our rookie qb who may be very good soon but is still a rookie who isn’t likely to sit behind an Alex Smith type. Mahomes father credited Smith (after they won the SB this year) with a lot of the developmental aspects of his sons game said he showed him so much along with his natural talents. Our qb will be feet to the fire on day one, making mistakes, misreads, and doing what rookies do trying to adjust to the next level of competition which shouldn’t and won’t be easy. It’s going to take time to get everyone up to speed so I’d say atleast a year of experience before we see Bryce looking like his Alabama days.
  11. I'm so glad someone stated the obvious does fit matter to you guys when thinking of players. The scheme and what our coaches are trying to accomplish or is it Foreman should transform into a different type of back over the summer lol.
  12. Very very good point even though that wouldn't be coming down, I'd say that's a injury season if something like that happens. But yea I forgot he got hurt towards the end of the season and it's more likely to happen again this season with all that wear and tear on his body. I'd say maybe something does happen to him causing them to have a average season if he misses a few games I'd say those are going to be losses. And I also agree Superbowl teams get attacked every week that's the game you want to win so yeah they will be in w dog fight each and every week.
  13. And as far as Miles goes he got a fairly good deal based off what we expect from Frank. He's going to run his RB into the ground and I'd expect MS to be such a safety valve and explosive player catching out the backfield and scoring in the RedZone his value should equal his pay. I don't see any RB on that list that I'd take after him for less money that I'd trust to do all the things Miles does check the list and tell me who (free agent) bc Breece Hall isn't a free agent you'd want over Miles is my question.
  14. Not to go to deep into the eagles but I don't know what fall back to earth means. They have a elite WR their second WR is arguably better then our number one WR. Their Oline is elite D line top 3 in the NFL and they added studs in the draft. You don't fall back to earth they may underperform but honestly they should realistically be a deep playoff team nfc championship game deep based off the roster and coaching. Not to mention the QB play was top five last year no falling back because they're not an overachieving team in my opinion.
  15. If he signs a deal higher then expected I hope its somewhat based off incentives for the extra let's say 20 but could be up to 28 a year with the goals being all pro and sack numbers could be a win win for both sides.
  16. With us showcasing the number one pick I’m pretty’s sure the NFL will give us plenty of attention we have to many storylines to ignore. Frank R Don Capers Heisman winning number one pick. Add in Everjo being a leading head coaching candidate just a year ago if we play and practice up to par it should make for good reality tv. So I’d expect a lot of coverage for both teams. I completely agree a very strong defense adding in a hall of fame qb to really good offensive weapons should be the kind of competition that lets us know where we may stand this year. Especially with them having a little more prep time if we can hold our own it should be a sign of good things to come. Of course we should get better as the year progresses but a good gauge as to where we stand early in the season. I’m excited for the scrimmages right off the bat.
  17. I'd expect more we well if we didn't include any context to this situation. If he was out 2nd or 3rd option I'd agree. But he's more like our 4th to 5th option based on all the other additions between DJ AT and HH combined with our MS out the backfield there's not that many passes left. Add in LS actually running routes which I expect even if they're short intermediate routes he will be in position to take short passes for yac. Mingo who I do expect to contribute just might not see as many opportunities to get those yards we want him to get.
  18. What that's rough it seems like we're a big play WR and upgrade at DE away from real contention but that's how I see it. Maybe an upgrade at CB as well but those 3 positions are one off-season away. And realistically our DBs might suffice a year after DJax injury he'll probably be back to himself after this season.
  19. I agree I’m not discounting them but let me put context to the thoughts I presented. AT and DJ both played with a strong number one option last year A St. B played 16 out of 17 games JJ played all 17 so typical they would draw the best corner right? Typically they’d draw coverage giving other players a chance to preform. Who on our team draws extra attention or warrants the best DB? I’m not saying they aren’t good WRs I’m saying no one pushes the defense freeing up others. We don’t have a threat that you would say let’s game plan for I like the additions with what we have especially a young Mingo but we don’t have weapons that present any problems yet for any defenses which is why our offensive players are ranked so low. Hopefully someone like TMJ breaks out but that’s just a hope for now so based off what we currently have we don’t present a major weapon offensively hence the low ratings.
  20. We want to think middle of the pack because it’s our team we’re very supportive fans. But from the outside assessing things with no bias I’m hearing similar rankings from lots of football fans that the cast is extremely weak below average and I’m starting to understand the logic here. It’s no way we can expect different AT is good but is clearly an aging vet. DJ is an often injured solid wr, everyone else is unproven which can’t be ranked higher than teams with solid proven WRs. We’re also starting a rookie QB no matter how confident and prepared he is there’s always struggles adjusting to the big league hence why the Hopkins move is looking more and more understandable every day. If we do or don’t we make that move our weapons aren’t better then any team in our own division which is crazy to think.
  21. It seems dumb but the more I’ve thought about it, this seems to be the modern day nfl structure for success. An explosive offense that can put up points whenever needed. We definitely have other pressing needs but I’ve seen Patty M go down and tie the game up with 13 seconds left. That was all offense on both sides and buffalo had a really good defense, but what matters most is can you score when you need to. The best way to get to that level is an unstoppable offensive group and good coaching. Your defense needs stops when it matters most but these elite offenses seems to be the way for success for example the Bengals lately.
  22. https://bvmsports.com/2023/06/15/panthers-terrace-marshall-jr-was-highest-graded-wr-on-go-routes-in-2022/ The names he's in front of says alot about his potential and what to expect this year with a good staff and highly talented QB. I'm starting to understand why we're not in the Hopkins race, simply because as others have said we need to develop our talented WR this year. A teacher like AT doing what he did for JJ could have a tremendous return on our investment Im starting to understand why we feel confident in our group Chark and TMJ with Hurst and AT being our security outlets. Are we under rating our Wr group? Does anyone think TMJ will continue to be an elite deep ball WR playing full time this year?
  23. And to follow up with that I believe it was bad as we all do but why are his statements seen as to throwing the previous regime under the bus he said we didn’t work on leverage with our passing routes. Seems like a true and honest statement it seems bad or disrespectful because it seems like something all teams would teach to young upcoming WR and TE group.But we didn’t. It to me just states the obvious they were under prepared for the big league. But throwing him under the bus would have been a little more disrespectful it seems he can’t help it the staff was clueless to the importance of certain nuances. The more we hear we seem to always think dam they just dissed him again but really they’re just speaking their truths through how they experienced it. Sometimes the truth just hurts, seems that way to me reasons why Luke didn’t even wanna come around until he was fired he didn’t have enough football knowledge to lead a nfl team and the evidence is slowly coming out naturally imo.
  24. There’s no way you as an employee of a team would ever speak nothin but glowingly about your boss in public while he’s in charge. I’m confused as what you think are his options about speaking on the coaching staff. They were all on board until he got canned same as Wilks who needs a little more experience to become a good head coach. My only question is name a player who developed under Rhule? Who did we see growth and development from that we can say man he truly was coached up and over preformed from our expectations?
  25. Naw not a chance I know his good friend he’s set on a contender and doesn’t want to play with a rookie qb I’ve heard that from one of his partners who literally hangs with him. But if that wasn’t the case I’d still believe he wants to contend strongly for a chip I like where we are at now but don’t see us on the level of Buffalo or KC or Baltimore. Do you think 10 million more over 3 years is enough to persuade him when he’s made a hefty amount the last four years. I hope he changes his mind and plays here close to home I’d go crazy we’d be a threat offensively to anyone we play.
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