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Everything posted by OnlyPantherFaninMaine

  1. An air duct as I write a philosophic paper based on Kant's Categorical Imperative
  2. Thank you sir, much appreciated. I'll be sure to give a report once they have been drank.

  3. When can I expect this stout to arrive my man? The anticipation is building.

  4. There you go my man, best of luck. Boobs for all is the most democratic the Huddle could be!

  5. Possibly the greatest avatar in internet history.

  6. No doubt I'll be on at some point. We were taking it to those lames for sure.

  7. Zod, was wondering if you could capitalize the "f" in my username. No rush, thanks a lot. I appreciate all you do for the Huddle.

  8. Is that your Beamer? Thinking of getting one myself in March or so.

  9. You can see me for' you hear me I got king klong in the trunk.

  10. Ich spreche Deutsch auch. Dies wird mein funftes Semester Studium der Sprache werden.

  11. I was pretty sure my additional comment was something positive, meant to be good rep. Sorry for the mixup my man. I got you back with some +rep

  12. Ugh it was meant to be positive! Must have clicked it wrong on accident. Wasn't my comment good? I'll get you back with rep.

  13. Who is that dime in your current avatar?

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