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  1. I have a bad feeling the panthers will win this weekend.
  2. Dumbest poo ever. Whoever this pick ends up being will be a non factor.
  3. I won too. The question now is do I lay 7 with the saints on the road next week?
  4. 4 of these have already been panthers.
  5. The cream always rises to the top. Or, um, the crap always falls to the bottom.
  6. Sanders was such a dumb signing
  7. I’ll never accept it as I watch the Texans be competitive.
  8. You draft qb until you get a good one. Below average qbs don’t win in this league unless you have an elite defense.
  9. At least it’s happening during a year that the team wasn’t going anywhere. What would have sucked was if it happened to a 2015 Panther talent team.
  10. What in the world is this? What am I watching. Are these emotions I’m feeling?
  11. Is anything in that book from the Tepper era?
  12. I’m going to convert to a Texans fan until Carolina can figure it out.
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