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Carolina Mike

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  1. What about bringing in Ron as the DC?
  2. He needs to be on the jugs machine before and after practice!!
  3. This sounds like the same back and forth when we drafted a LB when we already had a LB or as mentioned prior back to back DLs. I want the BPA, if it is another DT so be it. (No not a kicker/punter for those people that think they are funny))
  4. I’m hoping SMU messes it all up and wins out. Imagine the SEC & BI0 would crap themselves trying to “fix” the problem.
  5. The Black Cat strikes again. Who broke a mirror, stepped on a crack, or walked under a ladder? Cardiac Cats
  6. I was literally thinking this too! Good to see we are looking good in a game that’s being seen by many people.
  7. I was in a room (relatives) full of KC fans. Thank god we didn’t have a blow out!
  8. BY had a really good game. I hope it elevated his trade value. BY is NOT the future of the Carolina Panthers. BY still has more bad games than good games. Some of you Yo-yos get too high and too low.
  9. I’m calling the UPSET ALERT!!!! Right now I’m in KC with my entire wife’s family that is all KC fans. We best be finding a way to beat the Kansas City Chiefs!! I’ll be setting here in the middle of enemy territory with my Carolina Panthers hoodie watching the game.
  10. No thank you. His future needs to be the CFL. We need to TRADE him for the value we can get. Maybe a six pack of Diet Coke and a bologna sandwich.
  11. I like the add, at this point why not try and find others that might be helpful. I see this as at least they are trying to win.
  12. To be fair some of those “wrongs” may have been forced upon Reich. I say that, even though I never wanted Reich in the first place.
  13. Shut your dirty… mouth. We don’t need this nonsense anymore. No more talk of injuries with our players. Heck have we not suffered enough?
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