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Mrs Pantherfan

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Everything posted by Mrs Pantherfan

  1. LOL tiny sports bra AHAHHAHAHHHAHAA I just forked over $50 for a fancy schmancy one I saw this article yesterday and thought of ya'll...check out the picture..is guy #4 the same as guy #1??? http://health.yahoo....ck-abs-12-weeks
  2. Kurb..you would SO be this guy should you run in an actual race
  3. Why do you think that is? I used to not be..then along came Fatty McButterpants...and I wasn't havin' that
  4. I have one..but for some reason I've never fuged with it...I does beep at me and I can hear it in the kitchen...maybe it's telling me to put it on..hmmmm... on another note...the next person I see not wiping down equipment after your nasty sweaty ass has used it...is getting a kick to the crotch...ok, not really ..but I'm going to glare really hard at you!!! I wipe down my stuff before and after b/c there are so many nasty people out there....also, please stop wearing perfume, ladies..if you stink, take a fuging shower Happy Monday errbody! I was up and at 'em at 5:00 this morning!!
  5. I'm doing the Alston Bird 5K & Half-Marathon, March 9th downtown..Turns out my sis in law and her boyfriend are doing it as well..so at least I'll have people I know w/me My last 5k I did in 30:24..I really wasn't prepared for it..I did it for a friend..who ended up backing out of it the morning of..I said, "fug it..I need the exercise" and ran it anyways I don't know if I'll ever have the desire to run a full marathon
  6. Ok workout peeps...what are ya'll goals for 2013!!??? I have been gym slack for about 6 months now ..gained 5 lbs from that (and drinking a wee bit more wine during the warm summer months).... then I quit smoking with added on another 5 lbs...yay..get healthy...gain weight..FUG YOU CIGARETTES!! 10 lbs isn't excusable..totally unacceptable seeing as I've worked SO hard to get rid of the extra 50 that was there prior....So I ended up joining Planet Fitness..it's 5 minutes from my house..$10 a month..no excuse NOT to go and workout when it's cold and/or rainy. Got up at 5 this morning and went to workout for the first time BEFORE work in quite a long time. Didn't realize how much I actually enjoy working out at that time vs. after work at 5:30 So besides losing that 10 lbs....I want to... Finish the 5k I'm running in March in under 29 minutes... Run a 10k Be better about eating healthier..for the most part I'm pretty good..but then you get on a roll...and it's, "ok..fine I'll eat those 5 chicken wings because I worked out today"
  7. good for you! It's truly amazing how different you look when you lose weight..I fee like I don't even look the same person
  8. I might be able to do one...that should make you feel better???
  9. thanks! I quit for a year last time..and like a moron.......oh well.... I just feel like a moron doing it in public..I care too much what ppl think about me..that everyone is watching and laughing at me..maybe it's a girl thing.. this is what I'm doing is anyone wants to come run! I will be in in a Duke Shirt and Duke knee highs http://acc5k.com/2012/
  10. I've run a few times in the cold..when the sun is up ...but at 6 a/m...it's dark.....and cold
  11. haha..well...sort of, I guess..and to be honest..I started back like 2 years ago ..like a dumbass..MrPF quit w/me this time..so that's a even bigger bonus! I just got slack..a little more wine here and there..We got Izzy..so the I had to go home and let her out which meant I didn't make it to the Y anymore after work..IT'S MY DOGS FAULT!!! I will be running after work today I promise! I will say...HUGE difference running now that my lungs are all cleaned out
  12. b/c it's just scary, that's why!! I've been a little slack lately..and of course now it's cold..so running before work is waaay harder to get up ...I also quit smoking (again) 2 weeks ago..so I feel like a big bloated cow I am running a 5k this Saturday downtown..so I'm using that as my "Get your ass motivated and back into the gym this winter and don't turn into Fatty McButterpants again!!!"
  13. Anyone a member of Planet Fitness...I had to quit the Y b/c...well...I just got tired of paying $65 a month...I really only do cardio anyways..just would rather pay $10 vs $65...I am terrified of lifting weights in front of other people
  14. I want to c*nt punch ppl that don't wipe down their machines...fuging disgusting...these are the same ppl that don't wash their hands after take a dump
  15. regardless of whether you like it sweet or not... can we all agree that it needs to be fresh brewed and the fake crap that some places try to pass off as tea is grodie???...that place Which Wich at Park and Woodlawn does it...
  16. If you hate it here, why don't you go back? sugar has calories splenda/equal don't..so you can sweeten your tea w/o said calories
  17. while I agree with you....I will say that being in the south...if you order tea..you're more than likely going to get sweet tea... I say "unsweet tea" when I order
  18. you in charlotte?? I get mine at Healthy Home market on S. Blvd...I bought the big one $30..yes it seems expensive..but I've had it since March and it'll prob last me til the end of the year..and I use it ALL the time...I highly recommend it no clue about conversions...I've looked it up before...I make my husbands kool aid with it (yes he drinks kook aid :) ) and we just taste as we go
  19. that's b/c you're using in the raw...that poo is gross i love this stuff...tried another brand and I ended up taking it back. I use it in coffee...tea...my husbands kool aid...yes he drinks kool aid...I cook with it...it's fantastic
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