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About PanthersPhan18

  • Birthday 04/19/1985

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  1. Peyton Manning’s rookie season wasn’t all that either. As long as he shows some improvement next season, I’ll be happy. By year 3, hopefully he turns into a legit top tier qb.
  2. I may end up being wrong, but I really do believe we made the right choice at QB. Bryce was the pick for me, regardless of size.
  3. I'm not gonna lie, I would have been real upset if that pass to Olsen was the other way around.
  4. They should use Williams a bit more, he's been our most effective runner today.
  5. And here we go again. You guys and your knee jerk reactions.
  6. Cam's lucky this didn't get intercepted. Phew, I'll take it.
  7. Peyton Manning wouldn't have the numbers he is having now if he were playing for the Panthers, but I can guarantee you the offense would have have been a whole lot better than it is now. Peyton Manning is just on a whole other planet when it comes to quarterbacks.
  8. That was a good call. You're only calling it stupid because it didn't work.
  9. What does DeAngelo not being a power back have anything to do with your moronic "what if" post?
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