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  1. They had a shot at the division if they continued to get better. But it is what it is. What happens when your head coach is spineless and leaves it up to kickers.
  2. Watching this game is glaringly obvious this draft needs to be defense heavy. Literally nothing in the middle of the field. Just Awful.
  3. You mean settling for field goals isn't a winning strategy..who knew?
  4. Typically one can. But it was argued at a NATIONAL level that they got screwed and my biggest complaint about Beamer is his aw shucks attitude about everything. He should have gone piss and vinegar about it and ate that fine given he makes several mil per year. He had another opportunity in his post game presser and didn't take it. If he gets left out he will have only himself to blame.
  5. Head to head is a poor argument given the trajectory of both teams. If you eliminate FSU last year because they lost their QB. Why not reward the team who's Freshman QB has caught fire since early in the season when that game was played. Also adding to the fact SC should only have 2 losses as they were robbed in that LSU game.
  6. Now we don't have to hear about the guy that can't kick in a dome being the most accurate kicker anymore.
  7. Not understanding that miss daisy ass play call on 2nd down. Way too close to the end zone.
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