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  1. Sorry man. I shouldn't have been a dick. I just care about the Hornets and want them and Miller to be successful since he's ours now. It's still early. I just want to see more flashes.
  2. Go back to being a casual Panthers fan and not knowing who Laviska Shenault is. At least the Hornets only have a dozen or so players for you to wrap your little pea brain around.
  3. I pooed the wrong comment cause you got butthurt that I had a different opinion than you. @CamWhoaaCam
  4. Miller reminds me more of Tobias Harris than the Paul George claims. It's still extremely early, but he's passive and doesn't create for himself well so far. LaMelo is gonna have to set him up a lot. It's a game and a half so I won't panic yet, but definitely apprehensive a little so far.
  5. I've used Tick Pick before in the past. They usually have a lot less fees.
  6. Mr Lean keeps throwing that bait out. Either Scott is smart enough or oblivious about the intent. Lol
  7. I do agree with that. I see Stroud as more of a sniper and Young the distributor point guard type that they mention. Young is better off script and under pressure, and those are the facts also per numbers.
  8. It's called drawing a logical conclusion to the facts presented. Technically you're right though since they haven't announced the pick yet. Lol
  9. Would you care to make a wager then if you're confident in your opinion?
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