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Silent Majority

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About Silent Majority

  • Birthday 01/12/1975

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  1. Judging a #1 overall by the standard of a 2nd rounder is disingenuous as hell. I just can't respect it.
  2. That's because at this point, we have no choice. Sunk cost in this case is due to a failure of due diligence. There were many red flags pre draft, but by that time the infatuation and emotionalism had taken hold. Again, there is no hate. Its been painfully obvious to those who were paying attention. As of now, we are in a crap cycle of time and resource wasting. It's all CYA from the pro Bryce contingent, hoping he can somehow manage to live up to the hype.
  3. Literally everything some of us have been saying for basically 2 seasons now, but we are haters. Proof that the fanboys are being delusional and weird.
  4. Where are this weeks eager QB school posts? *looks around*
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