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Everything posted by pantherclaw

  1. This quote fies directly against a lot of fans misconceptions about our owner, front office personnel, and coaching staff. Oher said. "When I came here on a visit, the culture was great. They're very into winning and doing everything possible to win."
  2. i agree on both parts. I definitely like this. Is the best affordable stop gap at tackle that was available.
  3. the difference between having money to spend and not. But ya obviously don't give a damn about that when you're spewing your ignorance.
  4. OMG GET HIM SUPERBOWL OH I JUST CAME!! There, i just responded for the masses.
  5. you're examples prove nothing here. Sorry, but be made they didn't "explore" it all you want. Wasted energy.
  6. No team is going to give up picks for a proven risk player. Especially when it's common knowledge that he'll be available. There is nothing to explore.
  7. I guess I've been to the point where my give a damn, is busted. I don't give a damn about this situation. It sucks, but hardy put himself into it, and obviously didn't do enough to dig himself out of it, wirh the Panthers. The team has moved on from, as i have too. I will miss seeing him wreck havoc against our enemies. So long Hardy. Hope ya learn something from this.
  8. Last night, i clearly saw a black and blue dress. This morning on the throne, i saw white and gold from the same pic. Now it's back to black and blue.
  9. way to downplay something most players wouldn't have done.
  10. The dude has talent. I know it's been awhile since he's shown it, but if Gettleman brings him in, as in, signs him to a contract, then i gotta believe. At least he should come cheap.
  11. nothing he says is going to stop free agents coming to a first class organization, such as the Panthers.
  12. D. Williams is a man, and is entitled to his thoughts and feelings, just is any person is. I tend not listen to what players say after they've been cut. I don't think any words can tarnish the fact that he was a pro's pro, and what he has accomplished as a Panther. Like i said in anothee thread, i don't give a damn what he has to say about the Panthers at this point.
  13. OMG, is he a Panther yet?!?!?! Get off you're fat ass Gettleman!!!!! Lol No surprise.
  14. Wish him nothing but the best at everything he does. Nothing but respect for that man.
  15. No reason to play him at safety. He can play whatever side Davis isn't playing until Davis retires.
  16. Why would ya want to ignore the best player available? I'd rather him go BPA, than reach. Period. End of story.
  17. Amazing talent. Would love to think his troubled days and mistakes are behind him. Trust in Gettleman. I'm not even going to get my hopes up, honestly.
  18. most extensions are just that, an extension the what is left of the current contract.
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