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Everything posted by pantherclaw

  1. Every coach evolves. Rhule still has the same control he had the day he signed his contract with Tepper. Rhule is the man. Whether I agree with it not, doesn't change anything. It is nice to have a good GM and Assist. GM though. The difference is indeed noticeable.
  2. Thus is the most balanced in all 3 phases of the game, that out team has been in over a decade.
  3. The only thing wrong with your perspective, is you don't make Sam, nor rookie QB the focal point of a pass happy offense. That's how you continue to lose games, period. The passing game can evolve.
  4. Not.my business, but it's good he's involved.
  5. So many assumptions made, that it's impossible to even take this conversation seriously.
  6. Kid is light, and doesn't know the system. If he has to play this season, it probably won't be good. I know your in the anybody but Sam, camp. So therefore logic doesn't exist.
  7. Out of this draft class of QBs, it's hard not to like this kid.
  8. Has Rapoport ever said anything that actually happened?
  9. The stupidity of the huddle is at it's worse since precam.
  10. Since Rhule has been here, it's always been a group effort with him getting the finial say. The coaches, the scouts, the gms. The ONLY changes has been a new GM, who has completely overauled our scouting department so we can much more information on every player. It's still. Group effort. The coaches. The scouts. Dan Morgan, Scott F., and of course, Rhule, whom as a head coach should have the finial say on the roster. Thus isn't rocket science. There us absolutely zero proof to suggest otherwise.
  11. 2 obvious picks, and the owner stating he has complete faith in Rhule for years to come, and you guys still grasp at straws. Please stop the stupidity.
  12. Lol at the levels people will reach to support their perspectives. Rhule still has the same power. And it's still a group effort no.matter what. People believe what they want to believe, rather than the truth.
  13. Our running back room is good. Thanks.
  14. In last years draft, when we had more pucks in ANY previous Panthers draft class, we had 1 starter. I'll take whomever we get at pick 6, and thank God our GM isn't an idiot.
  15. I miss when the draft was just Friday night and Saturday. Is that sad?
  16. There is no talent at 13 that is as good as any top 6 talent. So many on here are desperate for more picks in the first 2 days, that their willing to give up a teir 1 talent. fug that bs.
  17. I like how fans forget that EVERY headcoach make the final decision upon whom starts. Did you guys just start watching football?
  18. Yet you have no stats to support your biased opinion at all. Thanks for playing.
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