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Everything posted by pantherclaw

  1. We shall see where he is at. I wish him all the success in the world, just like I do our coaching staff. I want to win. I don't give a damn how training camp and preseason is handled.
  2. So he should have no problem. Let the competition run it's course.
  3. Besides, why should Mayfield just be handed the job? He's not elite.
  4. Tepper has pride, but i believe he wants to build a winner. I also believe HE believes in Rhule. I'm sure I know how much most of you hate that he does, but that doesn't matter in the fact that Tepper hired Rhule, and gave him the time to build up a winner. You may think you've seen enough, but at this point I feel Y'all should enjoy this season as it's going to happen, and I bet not like.many of you predict. I pray our line, and our guys remain relatively healthy this year, I'd be nice to not lose such major pieces, and truly see what this team can do.
  5. Never in my life would i have expected fans to be upset about making guys earn it. Yall just have to bitch about everything.
  6. I'm not worried about Sam's deep ball. I'm also not going to judge any of these QBs based on training camp practices.
  7. So they not to find the 5 best guys, just guess at it? Gotcha.
  8. So now Sam doesn't throw deep. Dude. I'm not defending Sam, but you can't lie like this.
  9. Pretty sure it's the oline coach and OC. Don't let that stop ya though.
  10. I know the current huddle narrative is our team sucks giant donkey dick, and Rhule hasn't improved the team at all. But this is now fuging ridiculous. The level that yall are willing to go to, can't be taken seriously by anybody with a brain.
  11. Go fug fields if you want. Seriously. Am so done with the lazy blshit that is accepted around here.
  12. There is a learning curve with every new owner, as there is with every new coach. It is frustrating being in the midst of this, but we will get out of it.
  13. Stats and rankings are meaningless, when they don't support your opinion.
  14. Last year's defense was pn the field the entire game. Hard to craft a fair, unbiased opinion due to that. Yes, physically bigger teams ran on us, but if our offense could have kept the opposing teams offense off the field even a fair amount, the team would have won more games. I don't expect the defense to struggle if our offense improves at all.
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