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Everything posted by pantherclaw

  1. I can't believe anybody believes this pile of Manure.
  2. Busch lite would just make him take a piss, a lot.
  3. Some facts. His high draft position pretty much guarantees his roster spot. His lack of production gives his zero trade value.
  4. Rhule had nothing to do with this kids in ability to stay healthy, and make an impact. You sound like you don't know anything bu making such statements. Fool.
  5. I heard about this the other day, absolutely stupid and tragic.
  6. Now you know if it was up to Rhule, PJ would be the starter.
  7. The masses haven't stopped their hatred for 1 second. To busy sharpening pitchforks, and stock piling fuel to burn everything to the ground. They are incapable of having level headed conversation.
  8. Never would have been, not here. There was no way the own would have fired those men's mentors, just to turn around and give them the jobs. Never happens that way.
  9. When did this place become an, "Idiots 'R Us?" I've never read so.kuch stupidity in any one place, in all my life!!! Y'all think Rhule is an Idiot? Y'all make him look like a genius.
  10. They swapped quarters. People need to stop making excuses for the kid that NEEDS developing.
  11. If only the season ended today. What, it's not started? SMH
  12. I don't believe any coach is afraid of admitting a mistake, cutting bait, and moving on. That is a fan's perspective, not a professional.
  13. I didn't say it would happen. Just that the team is highly motivated to make it happen. I don't blame them. Plus it would be a great benefit to the team.
  14. The team has more invested with Sam. Getting him to develop would be a hug win for the team.
  15. I am sure it was the HC. Certainly wouldn't have happened without the HC wanting him here.
  16. Many WCO offenses have been run heavy. They don't tend to use the TEs as much, yet we're told there needs to be focus there too. Either way, we have the talent to spread defenses out, forcing them to defend the whole field, which should open up some room to make plays with.
  17. Or call him an idiot. In fact, who did you hand your pitch fork to?
  18. You perspective, he ducks the question. I listened to it, and heard Fitterer respond in a may that Rhule has his complete confidence.
  19. It's threads like these that remind me just how amazing this franchise has been BLESSED with RICHES at the linebacker department. Really, an embarrassment of riches. So much so, that our fan base doesn't know how to react with were not representing the best in the league. The reality is we are good at linebacker. We won't be like what we're use to, but we have a good, talented group that can play, and make plays. And to think most of you didn't even want Shaq on the team.
  20. What I don't get is why anyone would assume any Panther fan is against baker. But somehow you guys figure it out all on your own!! Congrats
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