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Everything posted by pantherclaw

  1. Contact us page of their app, team feedback. Be my guest.
  2. This is the time of year ya go big or go home. Nobody cares if you successfully predict anything else.
  3. I can't bring myself to hope for bad things to their team. Just their asses getting handed to them on GameDay.
  4. If I had time to even put 6,000 miles on it the first year I owned it ..sure, but then I'd cave to buying a Z06 instead.
  5. Daley has been a capable backup. Pretty sweet we actually upgraded his value.
  6. You couldn't make me.mad if you tried frank. To answer your question, I'm way over qualified to be critical. You kids act Like if you're anything but openly critical with every thing that falls out of your mouth, that your world will end. Obviously the huddle doesn't have a shortage of critical POS. You got that covered all by yourself.
  7. Oh. Look who it is. It's I post nothing but trash. Frank. Calling me.a homer because I stated the obvious' that our team wants to win. I think ya shouldn't have wasted time posting' Frank.
  8. Rhe team wants to win. I know you're not interested
  9. Better than a fan who knows nothing and just posts trash. The Jackie Lee way.
  10. If he chubby sees significant playing time' we won't be winning games.
  11. It'll be a disappointment to me if they don't win this division. It's gotten soft.
  12. Taking the easy way out? I had no idea this whole time, Ron White was talking about you. You can't fix....
  13. Frank is incapable of.maki g any assessment, to be honest. He acts Like he's new to football, or doesn't give a fug.
  14. Imagine me disagreeing with you.....again. Any time there are new players, especially multiple players, the oline coach is going to shuffle them around throughout training camp. Then once the team returns to Charlotte, they tend to settle on the starters, and where they play. This is nothing new. N has been doing it forever. Don't let that get in the way of your Rhule bashing though. .
  15. Doesn't sound like a Carolina TE. He's leaving the Dolphins because he doesn't want to have to block.
  16. How the hell are you suppose to see it, frank, you only parrot what the masses say. He's not going to hit you upside with a frying pan. Most people are capable of being critical, and then moving on. Maybe you should I uld try it sometime.
  17. I haven't read any off it. And I stay up on the team. Thanks though.
  18. The reality is, once the NFL eliminated a preseason game, to add regular season game, the eliminated, was the game where the starters play. Teams have to figure out their depth. That's what preseason is about. Piss and moan all you want to, but teams all over the league are doing the same thing.
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