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Everything posted by pantherclaw

  1. For the record, I did watch the game today. Thought breaking out the ol' Darnold jersey, but didn't want to jinx him. The weekend I bought that from BOA, was a miserable game that absolutely sucked the life out of me. I enjoyed seeing Sam find some comfort, and some rhythm. Ultimately he played well enough for us to stay undefeated at home since Wilks took over. This is what execution is suppose to look like. Good win. I hope he gets to start the rest of the season.
  2. I'll be watching. Gotta be better than last week.
  3. I wanted to add, any head coaching candidate, is going to feel that they are capable of turning a Franchise around. Honestly, it's these guys that are more highly valued by owners, because being a storied franchise, doesn't prevent that franchise from being historically bad.
  4. Storied franchises, Like the Cowboys, Packers, etc.... never have a problem attracting head coaching talent. Not saying they always select the right ones, but there is never a shortage of coaching talent for them to choose from no.matter how bad their team may actually be. The Panthers will NEVER be in that situation. To answer the OP, there is no question, getting a great HC is like being flush with trump cards. The quartback position will never be as easy as people think it should be. Getting the HC and coaching staff correct is paramount. They can build a talented team, and acquiring talented potential star QB doesn't require tanking to achieve, ever.
  5. So you're mad how Tepper handled the rock hill project? I guess it would be pretty cut and dry, if the other partners in that project upheld their end of the deal, but they did not. So now Tepper be damn for protecting his and the Carolina Panthers interest? Sounds like hypocritical bullshit to me. Not sure why the rich have to be hated so much.
  6. Agree to disagree. Ya don't name a new head coaching regime, and tell him he can't create his own staff. Which Tepper has already given Wilks that capability.
  7. Wilks already has full control over coaches. Ya don't make whole sale changes in mid season. He's already made many changes. There is literally no evidence to support your opinion.
  8. If winning was only as easy as fans think it should be.
  9. I don't give a fug about poo like that, because that happens league wide. So it don't mean anything.
  10. He deserves an extension, period. He's a core player, a defensive leader, and an incredible athlete at the position. Not to mention he doesn't want to.play for anybody else!
  11. Burns and Moore are corner stones of this team. Burns doesn't want to play for anybody else.
  12. He deserves to compete for the job.
  13. Our best pass rusher, whom is universally respected across the league, is worth keeping by the fans of the team that drafted him. Can't make this poo up.
  14. The Colts have been trying to get by without a major rebuild for a long time now.
  15. Not sure where you get Wilks just wants us competitive. That was an awful rant.
  16. The ideology that older players don't develope is just bullshit. It's just rare because rarely are they given the opportunity to show case it in the modern NFL. Kurt Warner and Jake Delhomme both say hello.
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