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Everything posted by pantherclaw

  1. Gettleman has a proven history of consistently being part of free agency, with the Giants. They were very successful at it while he was there.
  2. I'm not worried at all. Things are going as I expected them to. It's a long off season, and there is no reason to be worried.
  3. Lol at all the bell and chandler comments. Can't believe that has jaded so many fans about Gettleman's abilities.
  4. all I'm stating is he has the talent. He and the coaches still gotta get him to play up to his potential, which i can't promise will happen....but I'm confident that he can play well enough to be a stop gap for a year, or two. That's all we really need. If he plays better than that, then that's a bonus.
  5. I'm more realistic than most fans. Pretty even keeled. I don't care if ya disagree. Just shows me ya don't know Oher enough to really have an opinion on him. which is most of the huddle right now.
  6. More athletic, stronger. Gross had average at best ability, but his technique was steller. Which is why he was such a good consistent tackle, even on the left side when most experts thought he could only be on the right. Love Oher's talent. Don't know why anybody wouldn't. He's back with one of the best line coaches in the league. I like that. If ya don't, I don't care. Piss off.
  7. Oher has more talent than Gross ever had. Just has struggled to put it together On the field. I can definitely get on board for this opportunity for Oher
  8. They realized their window shut, so they are hitting the reset button, so they can start to rebuild.
  9. No one of this forum knows better than Gettleman and Matsko. No one.
  10. amazing how much crap the media throws at the wall, to see what will stick.
  11. It's one thing to add quality vets at value. It's another to invest any time and money on a player from another team with major health issues. I trust in Gettleman.
  12. I like this. He should be able to grow into the role Ricky had during 2003.
  13. why wouldn't bersin come back? As a receiver he has proven to be a good route runner with clutch hands, making several 3rd down grabs. But lets hate on him cause he's a local boy who wasn't amazing at kick returns? Whatever dude.
  14. His contact doesn't surprise me in the least. Was nobody paying attention when Watts signed his extwnsion?
  15. it's the market the sets the value. Most fans won't agree with the value, I certainly don't, but I at at least understand it.
  16. I'm really indifferent about Ted at this point in his career.... Still cheer him on, I will!
  17. it's obvious you haven't followed the situation, so therefore, shouldn't be talking about it in absolutes and making yourself look like a fool.
  18. I don't understand the hate either. Nobody is disputing the dude has had several bad seasons. Talent wise, he's the best tackle we've had since Otah. He's healthy, and has back with his best oline coach. Seriously, that's a lot to like. Not expecting him to be an all pro. he doesn't have to be, for this to be a success. Seriously. But lets continue to bash the dude. And can we come 7p with better excuses to bash him other than a movie had been made of his very successful college career?
  19. the beauty of going BPA, especially in the first several rounds, is the player is almost guaranteed to have a big Impact on the team. But I'm not going to argue with ya.
  20. if one is BPA when we pick, you can rest comfortably knowing Getts will get him.
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