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About pantherclaw

  • Birthday 03/19/1975


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  1. Love all the fans who think player evaluation is so easy.
  2. He's a l9ng time Dave C. player. Knows the system. Vet. Worth having.
  3. I'd be willing to bet receiver won't be our first pick.
  4. More amazing that fans call players- who have injuries that have nothing to do with themselves, in a sport that is that is very hard on the human body - injury prone.
  5. Dan is adding quality players everywhere we need them, and he's not done yet.
  6. one of the best to play in position in the NFL. Natural leader. Hard working. Accountable. Team player. DAWG. We are blessed to have him.
  7. I didn't agree with they guys in the video. Which is no surprise to myself. No 1 player is going to change the outlook of any team, especially one as bad as ours is 9n defense. While I understand their perspective on the fact that we got guys who weren't starters on their other teams, this is how you build teams in the NFL. You either way insane money for 1 or 2 starters, and pray they'll make the impact that is needed, or you get guys who have been developing at a better value. They can argue that it's more m9ney than they're worth all they want to, but that is the landscape of free agency in the NFL - which most people fail to grasp. None of the contracts on new players are going to hurt our team short or long term. It is going to be interesting to see how these guys come together. Dan Morgan definitely has a plan in place and is executing it.
  8. Yes, that is true. It's just I don't worry about it unless it's same or similar injuries. We don't have a single player on our roster that fits THAT description.
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