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Everything posted by rico6

  1. I fuging love Stewart, a walking embodiment of this team.
  2. Nah man we're imagining the "fix" and the hatred is cause of Cam's antics. sarcasm.
  3. Okay? the play calling in the beginning was crazy regardless. But I agree with the sentiments.
  4. Literally their scores are on gimmicky horseshits that will never happen in most games.
  5. And you don't think they're trained for hours upon hours to be able to spot things in these games that literally no other party can? If they were Joe Shmoes that excuse would be applicable. They're not Joe Shmoes though, they're highly trained and highly paid Officiators of this Sport.
  6. The Ref was right there?! fuging gumbo eating prick!
  7. "That looked like a shoul..face mask" fug joe buck man
  8. Shula is straight up Jeckyl & Hyde today, some calls are thematic genius, while others are maddening and horrifying. But God damnit all!! TD TOLBERT
  9. Not saying that, but the series of events leading to that fumble made no sense at all.
  10. Why the play wasn't called dead when Stewart literally stopped forward momentum is horseshit.
  11. Ridiculous, Refs literally spotted them that TD not signifying the turnover on downs.
  12. These refs are clowns not blowing the plays dead and all that poo
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